Fish Gatherer
This will really be my first time with a planted aquarium. I have got some moss, anubis and vallis in my Shrimp tank, but I want this one to be an all out attempt. I managed to get a brand new Fluval 30l nano for £40 yesterday so this will provide the home for it all. I will tell you what I have already got and which plants I have seen which I like the look of. I will need help with the final plant choices, which ferts to use and which CO2 system to get. I will then keep you updated with the progress of things.
Fluval 30l Nano (the shrimp model)
Fluval Stratum (will be the lower level of the substrate)
JBL Mandano (for the top layer)
Standard stock 11W over tank lighting
Standard stock Fluval Nano Filter
Heater, I have a 50W, may buy a 25W
One piece of redmoor wood
Intended fish (I already have these):
Half Moon Betta
Pygmy Corydoras and / or Vietnamese Cardinals
Temperature will be around 24/25 degrees
I had a look arond MA today at the plants and have noted the ones I liked the look of. Please can you use your experience to let me know which ones would be suited to my tank lighting conditions.
For the forground carpet:
pogostemon helferi
hemianthus callitrichoides
For the mid and back layers:
hygrophila australis rosae
ludwigia palustris green
lysimachia nummularia aurea
I will also tie moss to the branches of the wood. I have a mixture of Java and Christmas.
Finally, which CO2 system would be the best to get and which ferts should I be looking at getting?
P.s. Am I missing anything major out?
Pictures so far:
Redmoor in proposed position head on view
Redmoor in proposed position side view
Redmoor in proposed position other side view
Fluval 30l Nano (the shrimp model)
Fluval Stratum (will be the lower level of the substrate)
JBL Mandano (for the top layer)
Standard stock 11W over tank lighting
Standard stock Fluval Nano Filter
Heater, I have a 50W, may buy a 25W
One piece of redmoor wood
Intended fish (I already have these):
Half Moon Betta
Pygmy Corydoras and / or Vietnamese Cardinals
Temperature will be around 24/25 degrees
I had a look arond MA today at the plants and have noted the ones I liked the look of. Please can you use your experience to let me know which ones would be suited to my tank lighting conditions.
For the forground carpet:
pogostemon helferi
hemianthus callitrichoides
For the mid and back layers:
hygrophila australis rosae
ludwigia palustris green
lysimachia nummularia aurea
I will also tie moss to the branches of the wood. I have a mixture of Java and Christmas.
Finally, which CO2 system would be the best to get and which ferts should I be looking at getting?
P.s. Am I missing anything major out?
Pictures so far:
Redmoor in proposed position head on view
Redmoor in proposed position side view
Redmoor in proposed position other side view