Well, I would not say it's easier than reef tank. It's more forgiving is many respects.
but the reef tank will run better with a little bit more NO3 and PO4 leached from the plants as well as organic carbon for the bacteria to grow better.
I have some slower growing reef tanks, lower tech etc, they do excellent and look good as well.
A rug of Caulerpa is not particularly hard to grow and can look very nice also, but it needs more tending than many reef tanks. Some folks cannot do the reef thing well. Those will have issues with marine plants also.
The problems I've had doing marine planted tanks is having the right algae in the right spot.
This takes work and pruning. Many of the species I like are hard reds and soft hard substrate algae.
You cannot replant these, only trim what's there, some of the seagrasses also fall into that group.
That makes things much more challeneging than the plant like soft sediment macros.
Tom Barr