Planted Guppy Tank (54L)

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I did warn her in this very thread! Sometimes people have to experience the nightmare for themselves to truly learn the realities of duckweed.... ;)

It has reappeared in two of my tanks recently, despite eradicating it months ago, and despite my cleaning equipment thoroughly. I truly don't know how it keeps coming back, but it's hidden in among my frogbit and water lettuce, so will require hours of moving plant to buckets, sorting and washing it off in different buckets, skimming the tank clean, then trying to return at least some of the plants I want in there, and hoping no tiny duckweed leaves make it back into the tank hidden among plant roots or something.

I truly loathe duckweed.
Well, luckily enough I doubt it'll be arriving anytime soon... I may have been saved.
Also, I use he/him/his pronouns! Sorry about the confusion:blush:
Well, luckily enough I doubt it'll be arriving anytime soon... I may have been saved.
Also, I use he/him/his pronouns! Sorry about the confusion:blush:
I'm very sorry for assuming, have edited to fix pronouns!

Some people love duckweed, you might end up being one of those people, so might as well try it out if it ever arrives :D
I did warn him in this very thread! Sometimes people have to experience the nightmare for themselves to truly learn the realities of duckweed.... ;)

It has reappeared in two of my tanks recently, despite eradicating it months ago, and despite my cleaning equipment thoroughly. I truly don't know how it keeps coming back, but it's hidden in among my frogbit and water lettuce, so will require hours of moving plant to buckets, sorting and washing it off in different buckets, skimming the tank clean, then trying to return at least some of the plants I want in there, and hoping no tiny duckweed leaves make it back into the tank hidden among plant roots or something.

I truly loathe duckweed.
You've seen the Darkness, lol....I know a few who have had HOB filters ruined by the's insidious, lol

I've never had a tank that got infested, but a friend of mine from NY sent me a pair of apistos long ago (sadly, they didn't do well in my tank), and he warned me.....said the fish will be fine during transport, but beware of the DW...even the tiniest piece can set off an explosion of it...I bathed them in a few bowls before putting them in the tank :lol:
You've seen the Darkness, lol....I know a few who have had HOB filters ruined by the's insidious, lol

I've never had a tank that got infested, but a friend of mine from NY sent me a pair of apistos long ago (sadly, they didn't do well in my tank), and he warned me.....said the fish will be fine during transport, but beware of the DW...even the tiniest piece can set off an explosion of it...I bathed them in a few bowls before putting them in the tank :lol:
Well this is certainly comforting (/sarcasm)! Do you know how long it'll take for there to be a noticeable amount of growth? If I had the right tech I'd love to set up a cool timelapse, but it sounds like a lot of work lol.
Well this is certainly comforting (/sarcasm)! Do you know how long it'll take for there to be a noticeable amount of growth? If I had the right tech I'd love to set up a cool timelapse, but it sounds like a lot of work lol.
Within days. Take a photo on the day you add it, then a photo on day three. You'll see!
You've seen the Darkness, lol....I know a few who have had HOB filters ruined by the's insidious, lol

I've never had a tank that got infested, but a friend of mine from NY sent me a pair of apistos long ago (sadly, they didn't do well in my tank), and he warned me.....said the fish will be fine during transport, but beware of the DW...even the tiniest piece can set off an explosion of it...I bathed them in a few bowls before putting them in the tank :lol:
I was stupid and added it deliberately. Ignoring all warnings... I was one of those that had to learn the hard way!

Within weeks, I realised my mistake, and have thought I've eradicated it several times, but it's been two years, and it still reappears. I rant about duckweed on here often for good reason! It's impossible to get rid of.
I was stupid and added it deliberately. Ignoring all warnings... I was one of those that had to learn the hard way!

Within weeks, I realised my mistake, and have thought I've eradicated it several times, but it's been two years, and it still reappears. I rant about duckweed on here often for good reason! It's impossible to get rid of.
You're a hardened veteran then! For what it's worth, I wish you luck in finally busting it!
Added fish yesterday! Using it as a temporary quarantine tank for the upside down catfish I got yesterday. Added salvinia and java moss as well as some elodea densa that I trimmed from the 170L. Tank now has six female guppies and two upside down catfish of unknown sexes. Their names are Dr. Strange and Mr. Backwards.

Here's a link to the thread where I spoke about my new stock.

Yes, the tank is quite ugly looking for now. Eventually I'm hoping that it'll take shape and begin to look nicer when it's all done up.

The upside down catfish won't be there forever, I'll be putting them into the big 170L tank once they're quarantined. After that, I'll be putting a few male guppies in and seeing if I get any guppy fry.

The equipment for my lid is slowly coming piece by piece in the post. Decided to DIY it since you can't really buy them anywhere.

For what it's worth, tank doesn't look ugly at all! It looks really nice :) It just looks new. The plants will fill in soon and it'll look great, you can already see the potential. I like the layout :)
I’m having other prob my tank upstairs I used a calcium based medium with some fine sand mixed in for the plants then I cycled it using some fish food tabs to start the ammonia off and checking water of course the water is hard but all else is good....but plants barely grow and I’m using iron feed and yes I get some growth but not a good amount I think. Time to change medium or plants lol
For what it's worth, tank doesn't look ugly at all! It looks really nice :) It just looks new. The plants will fill in soon and it'll look great, you can already see the potential. I like the layout :)
Hope so! Had one guppy die last night which is a shame, but I've not had any more deaths since then... Got some frogbit too! Courtesy of @Essjay :)


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I was thinning mine out and I thought it was shame to throw it all away when I knew PlasticGalaxy was looking for some :)
Hi bud, can you recommend an online shop that sells frogbit as I can’t find anything local and swell don’t have it either ugh.
I got mine from Ebay. There is one seller I use as his plants are shrimp safe. He's out of stock at the moment but if you don't have shrimps or snails, any of the several other sellers will be fine. Some sellers call it frogbit, others use the Latin name.
If you do have shrimps/snails ProShrimp has it in stock at the moment.

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