A few chunks of bogwood would indeed finish this nicely, but be careful where you get the wood.
Wood collected in the outdoors is always a serious risk. The wood itself may be toxic (conifers for example), or it may have absorbed some substance that can leech out months from now, or it may harbour pathogens and boiling is not always successful plus this weakens the wood fibers making it rot faster.
I know it is expensive, but aquarium store wood like Malaysian Driftwood is about the best you can get. Not all wood carried in a fish store is safe either, but I have never had issues nor heard of any with this type of wood (Malaysian Driftwood).
Wood collected in the outdoors is always a serious risk. The wood itself may be toxic (conifers for example), or it may have absorbed some substance that can leech out months from now, or it may harbour pathogens and boiling is not always successful plus this weakens the wood fibers making it rot faster.
I know it is expensive, but aquarium store wood like Malaysian Driftwood is about the best you can get. Not all wood carried in a fish store is safe either, but I have never had issues nor heard of any with this type of wood (Malaysian Driftwood).