Planted 40g Aquarium Journal

...and if you ever have a fish that is a sneaky little jerk, name it Wickham.
Lol. I'm assuming that's another character from pride and prejudice.
The only 2 I know are Mr. Bingley and Jane from a friend...
I've been meaning to read the book and I'm supposed to, but I just haven't gotten to it...
I haven't even seen the shows or movies.

I think I do have one like that. He's my biggest male... He stays in his caves all day, and doesn't like to be seen... I very rarely get to be in his presence lol.
So yah, he's my Wickham I guess 😆
Lol. I'm assuming that's another character from pride and prejudice.
The only 2 I know are Mr. Bingley and Jane from a friend...
I've been meaning to read the book and I'm supposed to, but I just haven't gotten to it...
I haven't even seen the shows or movies.

I think I do have one like that. He's my biggest male... He stays in his caves all day, and doesn't like to be seen... I very rarely get to be in his presence lol.
So yah, he's my Wickham I guess 😆
I'm not a Jane Austin fan--her novels display a dismal lack of explosions and epic fencing battles--but Pride and Prejudice is pretty fun. The 2005 movie, with Knightley and Macfadyen, is actually every bit as good as the book, possibly even better.
I'm not a Jane Austin fan--her novels display a dismal lack of explosions and epic fencing battles--but Pride and Prejudice is pretty fun. The 2005 movie, with Knightley and Macfadyen, is actually every bit as good as the book, possibly even better.
I'll look into that one!! Thanks!
Has Mr. Bingley showed up? I’m sorry about Firecracker.
Sadly no 🙁
And thanks...
Thanks Lavender

Me too... I'm hoping he's just really good at hiding rn lol

Yes ma'am 🫡 LOL. Will do 😆
My friend named him after that character in Pride and Prejudice. So Jane it shall be if the friend I get for him is female lol...
That's such a cool fish name. Hopefully the little guy shows up.
Been a very long time since I've updated this.

So if you've seen my other thread, you'd know that my corydoras are infected with something and I've been attempting to treat it.
The salt is trying its best, but I'm thinking if getting some paraguard.

Also when I trimmed back my plants, my lighting unit's power supply had some sort of problem because the lights would only go up to 60% in power.
So I got a new lighting unit rather than replacing the power supply as my old one was small for the tank anyways.
Although I will keep it just incase lol.

But because I wasn't able to replace my lighting for a while after trimming my plants, my plants suffered.

I'm hoping it will come back as lush as it was before.
Most of that was just from just trimming it back that one time, but I have noticed some melting/die back.

I HAVE, on another note, noticed what I think are pairing behaviors between some of the corydoras which I find interesting!
During the end-of-day cycle with this new light, I have it set to slowly change to a bluish-purple and I love it!
Admiral Nemoette.
She's in a bit of a ph shock rn... To my surprise, the leaves and tannins changed the PH.
The reason why this is a shock is because I have a really high KH in the tank...
Whats up with its spine?
I honestly dont know. Probably a small birth defect. Doesn't affect her at all. She keeps up with the others.

At the time she was still trying to grow to size I had her moved (along with all the other gudgeons) into a smaller 10g tank when I thought the 20g was leaking (it wasnt).
After she spent time in there with the other fish while still growing, I think 1 of 2 things happened.
Either 1, she grew that way because of the tank size+ other gudgeons in there. Or 2, she got so stressed with everything happening (being moved to a new tank as she was developing) that it caused her to grow weird

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