Planted 20Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2013
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Hey guys, so i started with a 5.5gallon and quickly figured out that was too small, I upgraded to a 20gallon tall *wish i would've got a long but this was a good deal* got an led hood, the 30gal biofilter, stand, thermometer, for 110. got a air pump and 30gal heater to go with it. Started with a guppy and a tetra and swapped those for some barbs, figured out those weren't the way to go so i dropped the barbs for corys and rasboras, then recently picked up some rams to find out the pair was actually two males, they weren't happy so i wen't with a different route. Added plants today, now i have 4 small brazilian swords, a small melon sword, a big brazilan sword, and one big green melon sword, theres a chunk of slate that lays on a rock cave making a cool swim through for my new rainbow shark. Also got him a nice peice of driftwood for a house. 
My fish now are:
9 harlequin rasboras (1/2-1inch)
5 cories (3 spotted 2 sterbas <1inch)
1 rainbow shark (2inch)
I know the rainbow might outgrow my tank I plan on upgrading in a year or so or my local store will relocate him and trade me for a baby once he's grown if i want. I'd like to keep my fish though so 50g+ it is.
Current setup picture:


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Like what you've done so far. I agree upgrading to a larger tank in the future would be a good idea, but the key here is to work with what you're able to now.
Great start. 
Have you thought about changing the gravel for sand? The cories will thank you greatly for it, it is much softer on their barbels and they love snuffling around in it. 
The only thing I would strongly recommend is to leave out the rainbow shark, they are very very aggressive and wouldn't be surprised if he knocks off some of your cories. I know you want to keep your fish, but sometimes you got to look at the bigger picture. I made the mistake of having Rainbow Sharks in my tank, I since moved them in with my cichlids which is a 110G and they are still little terrors. 
But, it's your tank, just something to keep in mind :) Great choice of plants too. 
So far he hasn't shown any interest in my other fish he likes chilling in the driftwood cave my LFS exchanges fish whenever for me so if he doesn't work out ill make my centerpiece a betta or a gourami which I know would work fine. Not sure why everyone there says rainbows aren't a problem they have one with a pair of rams and a bunch of little schoolers in their main show tank nd he doesn't torment anyone.
So I got a deal on 2 female DG and 1 male DG bumping my fish count up to  17.. i know its a bit much for a 20gal but im upgrading and with plants and a 30gal filter rating I should be alright. Here's pictures of my Dwarf Gouramis and my Rainbow Shark I got a nice big wood piece for 8 bucks too really makes the bottom come together in person. Everyone is getting along great.

Here's the male dwarf gourami and tank update.


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I forget if I've asked you about this in your other topic but are you going to add a background? :)
Yeah i think i'm going to get a 24x18 inch piece of poster board or maybe the aqua background they sell at the fish stores. and put it up on the back I'm sure it'll stop some of the reflections caused by the mirror effect. Think I'm gonna be okay with my stock?
What pet store did you get your female DG from?  Im in Colorado and cannot find any out here.  I have 2 males, a neon blue and flame I want to find females for.
Walmart has them they also come with a 90 day warranty, if the fish don't make it just bring the receipt back and you get a full refund no fish needed. Added a background to the glass and java fern today ill take new pictures and let everyone see my progress. Tetra pride plant ferts are on the way to help the forest grow.
Sorry have been issues getting on here recently.
Little bit concerned about your stock, yes, as you seem to know the tank is too small for the shark, but you did say you'll upgrade so that's good. Definitely go with 50g+.
I can't remember if it is the rainbow or the redtail that are a bit agressive, or maybe they both are. Believe they get quite territorial and so not sure how the corys are going to do with it.

Although perhaps for future reference, try not to purchase fish that can't be kept in your tank for life. You do plan on upgrading but sometimes life gets in the way of that. 
Also do not believe in buying a fish and then taking it back when it gets bigger and getting a small one again, if you buy a fish you should be planning on keeping it for life, it's a commitment just like a dog or cat, though I understand sometimes stuff doesn't work out the way we plan, for fish and any other animals we keep.
What's your walmart fish selection like? I imagine it's good since you bought there..the one I go to usually has ick and the like unfortunately so will not buy fish from there. Except my betta that I already have 

Really looking forward to the pics! 

*Edit* Oh just noticed about your cories that they are different types, you want them to be kept in a group of 6+, and be the same as they usually will not school with the other kind, so perhaps take one type back and get more of the other?
Ninjouzata said:
Sorry have been issues getting on here recently.
Little bit concerned about your stock, yes, as you seem to know the tank is too small for the shark, but you did say you'll upgrade so that's good. Definitely go with 50g+.
I can't remember if it is the rainbow or the redtail that are a bit agressive, or maybe they both are. Believe they get quite territorial and so not sure how the corys are going to do with it.

Although perhaps for future reference, try not to purchase fish that can't be kept in your tank for life. You do plan on upgrading but sometimes life gets in the way of that. 
Also do not believe in buying a fish and then taking it back when it gets bigger and getting a small one again, if you buy a fish you should be planning on keeping it for life, it's a commitment just like a dog or cat, though I understand sometimes stuff doesn't work out the way we plan, for fish and any other animals we keep.
What's your walmart fish selection like? I imagine it's good since you bought there..the one I go to usually has ick and the like unfortunately so will not buy fish from there. Except my betta that I already have 

Really looking forward to the pics! 

*Edit* Oh just noticed about your cories that they are different types, you want them to be kept in a group of 6+, and be the same as they usually will not school with the other kind, so perhaps take one type back and get more of the other?
Upgraded to a 50g truvu acrylic tank. This one's getting passed on to the family. I'm going to keep most of the fish i had in the 20g including the shark for now he's the least aggressive fish in the tank I've never seen him show any interest in anything but his caves and plants. Cory's and rasboras are coming along too. Dwarf gouramis are going to get taken into a store who will hopefully use the females to breed somewhere along the line and the male will be resold hopefully to a good home... Not going to use the cheap blue substrate again. Either smooth miniature pebble type sand or black sand maybe white depends on which of those three is cheapest and easily available.
Lovely! How kind of you to pass it on, I'd be keeping it to myself
They don't get aggressive I don't think til they get a bit older.
Main concern was the tank size, but just keep an eye on him (imagine you will anyway, they're lovely)
Sorry the DGs aren't working out for you
I personally really like sand, for cheap sand you can get black diamond blasting sand, 8$ for 50 lbs I think from tractor supply co.
There is some controversy about whether it's good to have or not but I know of 2 people that use it & havn't had any problems, you can research it to see how you feel. I use petco's black sand.
Whatever you do, looking forward to seeing it!

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