plant tereriums for fish tanks?


Fish Crazy
Apr 14, 2004
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I went around a local market and found that a pet stall was selling a glass plant tererium as a fish bowl.For those who dont know wot it is its like a glass fish bowl which you put tropical plants in.Can you use these for tropical fish.Ive got one that has'nt been used in ages.My tropical tank at the moment is about a 3litre tank(v small) and i dont have a heater because the room they are in is always too hot even to keep goldfish.Can i use a terrerium as a fish bowl?
Do you mean something like what's shown in the second picture on this page, or something more like this?

edit: it's probably not kosher to just link that second picture by itself. It was found from this page on Chuck Gadd's excellent aquarium site.
kinda like that first pic but without the plants and more round.wud there be enough air in there for the fish to live without a filter.I have 1 fighter and 3 platys.

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