Thought you were sick of the stuff? ?
the rocks? What other plants would suit this tank?
Anything but anacharis ?
Its just a personal taste but I hate the look of anacharis. Its wonderful for a planted cycle, it sucks nitrogen out of the water, but other than that, its a bit of an uncontrollable, messy plant.
Would you consider any red or brown leaved plants? Alternanthera reineckii 'mini' and crypt wendtii (brown) would appreciate your active substrate.
For the back, maybe vallis? Or crypt crispulata? And yes, as PK says, some swords - Echinodorus bleheri, Echinodorus vesuvias.
hydrocotyle japan is a pretty good plant that you can train to grow along the substrate.. not strictly a carpet plant, but can have the same effect.
Or maybe some micro swords.
heteranthera zosterifolia is a good one for filling out some space.
Theres buce plants which are epiphytic and need attaching to wood or stone...