It seems to me, or maybe I'm just growing impatient, that I am having a difficult time fishless cycling my 42 gallon aquarium. I've got both an external filter and an undergravel filter. The size of my gravel is what I would refer to as p-gravel, or pebbles. I also have 3 artificial plants and at rock formation right in the center of the tank. My water is cloudy.
I am thinking about adding 2 live plants, because I've read that it will speed up the cycling process.
You mentioned java ferns. Would that be a good plant for my aquarium. As I said above, it's a 42 gallon, high.
Can I plant them in my gravel?
Do you think this will help?
That would be great if my nitrite level went up 2 days later, like yours did.
When the cycling process is finally complete and I do a water change, do you think that would clear up my cloudy water problem?
Now, on a totally different subject, but one that you have been talking about in this forum.
I think that ghost shrimp look cool.
What is their max growth?
Some other species of fish require (don't know if this is the correct word) that you have 2 or more together in your tank.
Should I decide to purchase ghost shrimp, should I purchase 2 or more?
What do you feed ghost shrimp?