hi there, just wondering, im planning on using an up-turned plant pot for my fish tank.. now, do i just have to boil it to get rid of any germs and stuff... or do i need to coat it in something?? thanks in advance
i got a clay pot today, i was just wondering, would putting it in the dishwasher clean it well... would there be any bad chemicals from the soap and stuff... would it be ok to go in the fish tank... thanks
hi ferco, i have plant pots in each of my tanks, i just scrubbed it under a hot tap, and then left it in the hot water for about 15mins, you dont need to boil it, because it will crack, so i would just say wash it for a bit and then plop it in your tank
what would look best when doing the pot? Do you think putting a real plant or having a fake plant coming out and would you be able to paint the pot to fit the theme of your aqaurium or not?
Can some one please post pics of how they do their tanks with pots becuase i would love to but i need ideas!
If you get non toxic paint you might be able to do it... if you go to a craft store, make sure you tell them you want something that will be non toxic, and safe for a fish tank.
I dig mine into the gravel a bit.. I also put some just sitting straight up.. my cichlids love em.
I scrub mine under the hot tap with a nail brush, then I boil them in a pan for 5 mins and they have never cracked.
I've got a hairnet and used it to hold javamoss onto it (cotton didn't work) I may pop a java fern on the next one I do If you are going to attach plants, give the surface a god rub with rough sandpaper/file so they have spmething to griip onto.
I wouldn't paint anything that is going into my tank, if it's not good enough as it is and cant be improved by the plants, it doesn't go in.