Plant Lighting Question

Asmodaues said:
One more question before i finalize my order. I stopped at our local pet shop last night to try and get the zoo med bulb. They had no clue what i wanted. Are these the correct choices before i have my gf stop at petco tomm.
Yes.  I currently use the more expensive Life-Glo, which may be about the best single tube for a planted tank, but I use this because I cannot get the ZooMed locally.  I have used it in the past.  
I thought I should revisit this post for an update. I had ordered the zoo-med bulb. I will be replacing the filter in the next week or two as well.

I finally recieved my light, liquid fertilizer and master api test kit last night. The light was installed and fertilizer was applied. Since aquascaping some, I have seen tons more of my cories and they seem happier now.
You will see results in a couple weeks, so don't be discouraged if tomorrow or the next day or the next the plants look no different.  It takes time.
Well, the cories stripped most the leaves from the primrose and they started to die off. I pulled the dying ones and the rest and tossed them.

My anacharis look amazing. They were getting brown spots but have startes turning around since using the fertilizer twice. I will add more and try some amazon swords next.
Asmodaues said:
Well, the cories stripped most the leaves from the primrose and they started to die off. I pulled the dying ones and the rest and tossed them.

My anacharis look amazing. They were getting brown spots but have startes turning around since using the fertilizer twice. I will add more and try some amazon swords next.
It was not the corys that killed the plant.  The plant was obviously weakened by insufficient light and/or nutrients.  You can retain the growing tips of the stem plant and it may recover, if conditions are now suitable.
In general...  Lower leaves frequently die off of most stem plants because they receive too little light, and the plant puts its energy into growing, so the growing tip will continue to grow toward the light which blocks sufficient light from reaching the lower leaves.  Additionally, because it is normal for stem plants to put their energy into growth at the tip, the nutrients will be directed there by the plant.  I see this in my Brazilian Pennywort when I grow it floating as opposed to planted in the substrate.  The oldest leaves tend over time to get yellowish, and attract algae more which is normal for a leaf that is dying.

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