Plant Help For A Newbie


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
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Hi last night I got 3 bunches of anacharis (I think that's how you spell it) and water sprite. I was wondering if my tank set up will survive, and if and what I need for CO2

The specs of my tank are:

a 37 gallon tank
(The 24 inch double system-48 watts)
I have about 8 Pristella tetras, 8 neon tetras, 7 cherry barbs, 2 platys (survivors of a die-off), 6 rummynose tetras, and 2-I think they are called siamese sharks or siamese algae eating sharks, I got them last night too, and kind of forget.

I was also wondering what I should do about CO2. When some of my fish got ick recently
for the treatment I took my plants out, and tried a very rough system of adding CO2 to them by putting yeast and sugar into a 1 liter bottle, that had a hose into the bucket the plants were in. They ended up dying, but already were, so I am wondering what is suggested for adding CO2 into my kind of tank.
I'd forget the CO2 you dont need it, just use some ferts with trace in them.
What do you mean? It just says Flourish-comprehensife supplement for the planted aquarium
It is in a bottle and is a liquid if thats any help
Those contain trace ferts so just those and no co2 will be fine..
You sure? On one of your planted journals I saw you use CO2 on a tank that was about the size of mine. its 37 gallons not liters if thats any help.
Honestly your lighting is low enough for low tech approach but if you want to use CO2 then by all means it will speed up growth, just make sure if you use CO2 that you go pressurised on a tank that size as yeast CO2 can give fluctuations which cause algae and make sure to grab some ferts that contain N&P.
I dont really understand all those abbreviations, (the newb I am
) but I think you are saying that I dont need CO2 unless I want to speed up my plant growth. If I do use CO2, go pressurised because yeast isn't reliable. Also grab some fertilizers that contain what and what?

I saw someone use carbonated water connected to a diffuser as their CO2 dispenser. Do you think I could do that?
I have no idea where to get them from in the US mate sorry, ferts containing N&P (Nitrates and Phosphates) if using CO2 or CO2 supplement, if not using CO2 or CO2 supplements use something without N&P. :)

Hope this helps mate.
Okey, thanks. I was looking at a Fluval CO2 Kit, but also just getting a glass diffuser and sticking a pipe through a bottle of carbonated water and connecting it to the diffuser. On youtube a guy did that, and it seemed to work just fine
The carbonated water wont last long mate and you'll get a big fluctuation which will result in black brush algae.

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