Plant Growing Advice!

Kyle E.

Fish Crazy
Oct 9, 2020
Reaction score
Layton, Utah
Hello All!

So yesterday I just got a shipment from Aquarium Co Op that included: Easy Green Liquid Fertilizer, Easy Green Root Tabs (I am regretting getting the 20 pack and not the 60 pack), Dwarf Saggitaria, and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus.

I would like some general growing advice on the sag and octopus. Has anyone here grown these? Under what lighting, and ferts?

I have a Nicrew SkyLED light and I will be using the easygreen ferts.

I am just gonna tag all the smart plant people I know lol. @mbsqw1d @Wills @DAnCSF @Stan510
got this off of amazom lol

  • For healthy growth, they are need lots of light. Acid soft water is preferred.
  • The stem of the plant breaks easily and for good development can be best put the stems too close to each other. Propagation takes place through tops. The remaining stem will get numerous offshoots.
Which plant are you talking about? I assume you are talking about the PSO.

Thanks for the advice!
I've had great luck growing dwarf sag in dirt substrate tanks. IME they spread like wildfire for a few months, then start dying off. I think they must be fairly short-lived. The ones in my 3 1/2 year old rainbow setup are almost gone; I should probably replace them.
I got some PSO from Co op. Easy plant to grow. It started slow for a few weeks and just took off. Stick em anywhere for the most part. Pretty much feeds of the water column. I used the same fertz too with good results.
Very good to hear! It sounds like they should grow good in my tank then.

I just added them yesterday so it is too early to tell yet but hopefully they will take off, as well as my other plants as I have not had much luck growing them. :/
I just added them yesterday so it is too early to tell yet but hopefully they will take off, as well as my other plants as I have not had much luck growing them.
The biggest problem people have with aquarium plants is lack of light. These plants evolved to live under full sunlight, and aquarium lights don't even come close to that, well some do but most don't.

If you only have one light unit on the tank, try adding a second light, or increasing the lighting time. Plants and fish need 8 hours of rest but can have up to 16 hours of light per day.

The second reason people have problems with aquarium plants is the wrong type of plants. Most pet shops sell "aquarium plants" and many of these are not true aquatic species and struggle or die when kept underwater.

The third reason aquarium plants don't do well is lack of nutrients (aquarium plant fertiliser). You have this part covered now so see how they do.

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