Plant Going Brown


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Hi, i have a Anubias berteri and it is getting brown leafs looks like burnt :( it is in my betta tank it gets direct light from the Fluval Chi filter, which uses LED lights. Is the light to strong? The Morino Ball is also becoming brownish :(
Its not getting covered in Algae by chance?
No its not alge the leafs becoming transparent on the brown spots. It is about 7 inches away from the light, and this light is led directly hitting it. Its the design of the tank. Maybe I can re position the plant box and see what happens.
It's hard to say from a cartoon image. yesterday i went to a shop and i explained to them the problem. they gave me a T8 bulb at 14watts and some substrate (since my tank was new i didn't place anything below bc i wanted the water changes to not be messy moving the gravel around and such, the substrate is called Eco Substrate. Was also told yellowing/browning is due to low light. So everything is setup now and the plant is even lower than before since i took it out of the plant box. They also gave me Nutrafin Fast Gro with added Iron. I did a water change after adding the substrate to remove the debris and added 2ml of the plant gro. Hopefully it will be okay.
sounds like a C02 deficiency to me...

and LED's are great for plants. :good:
I ended up removing that new bulb as it made things worse. Some of the leafs where areas that were brown, have gotten holes but the vein part of the plant remains. kind of like a spider web.
sounds like a C02 deficiency to me...

and LED's are great for plants. :good:

This. :good:

If you don't want to add CO2/Carbon you'll have to look at lowering your lighting.

How long are your lights on for? Also try to move it out of the light.

As for a shop selling you a new bulb when your light is too high and a substrate for a plant that sits above it....they sound tip top. :rolleyes:
They never charged me for the bulb or substrate :p
I took the plant box out and the plant is directly in the substrate.
I keep the tanks light on only in the evening for a max of 3-4hrs if even that.
Not sure how to use this Nutrafin Plant Grow either as the instruction text is so small i can't read it. I been adding 5ml or so once a week as i do a water change, is this correct?


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