Plant advantges

:D Plants will also take heavy metals out of the water, as well as using any ammonia that may appear as a well.

Some plants like hornwort will pump anti algae chemicals into the water.

Your fish will be seen more often if they have somewhere to go and hide.

Plants will add a SMALL amount of oxygen to the water, in an under populated tank this is usually sufficient for the fish's needs.

Plants will reduce nitrate and help to soften the water as an aquarium ages.

They just LOOK GOOD :D
Sarkis said:
tank is 46gallon its 3ft long, 1ft19inchs hieght, and 1ft 12-17inchs wide varies in width because its a bowhead

I just recently( accually) today bought 2 plants 1 Echinodorus belheri, and another which i am still searching for the name
:X you want some really low-light plants then...try cryptocorynes, anubias, java fern or java moss, or any others that you can find on that are labelled "low light"
Sarkis said:
barbus said:
for me, its just love at the first sight with planted tank :wub:
what kind of plants would look good in my tank good. Something that is easy to grow and will grow pretty long the tank is 1ft 19inchs height. Also i have a single 30watt floricent bulb in there, it has a purple color to it. Any help anyone please
Sarkis, 30 watt & purple light will be inadequate to make your 46gallon a planted tank. Especially by the light color you described, it is most likely not a bulb for plants. Change the bulb to the one with 5500-6500Kelvin (daylight), and hopefully you can increase the wattage as well to give you more choices of plants and better health of the plants itselves. At current rate, low light plants that was suggested by clutterydrawer will marginally suffice, but you need to stack them (anubias, microsorium, moss) with some driftwood to give the covering effect you want with the height of your tank.

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