Plans Or Instructions For Simple Over Tank Light


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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i just got a new tank, but the hood is damn ugly,so im wanting to make one,as all it has now is a little clip on light and it looks cheap and nasty
the bulb/starter etc is all seperate but im not sure how to fix it, it has a glass cover over the its not going to be sitting over the water amy ideas????
dosent need to be anything elaborate, but id like something a bit nice :)

this is the tank its 48inch x 15 x 18
I find the average aquarium hoods unsightly as well, and when I was planning my show tank which resides very visibly between my living room and dining room, I was adamant on finding an alternative. I used track lighting on the ceiling to achieve the look I wanted. Given that your tank is sitting lower than mine, I think a suspended light fixture would look terrific! I can't tell from the picture, but it looks like you have a planted tank, in which case you will have to consider whether you can supply ample light for plant growth. I am using three 75 watt halogen bulbs and am growing "easy low light" plants with no difficulties at all. The bulbs are special full spectrum daylight bulbs, not ordinary halogens. Anyway, here's a couple pictures to help with the visualization, let me know if you have any questions:



wow ! that looks spectacular
my celings are around the 10ft high mark, so would indeed need to be suspended, would i have to have them on a permanent wiring or can they be run using a transformer ??
your tank looks absolutley stunning, i cant get over that,thanks for showing me :good:
You could do either....

have them wired in to the mains or on a plug.

But dont forget, if they are wired into the mains, they are not easily moved.... whereas with ones on a plug you can move with a tank. However there is the question of visible wires.

Check out this guys tank, there is a few pics of his suspended lighting.
ooh that looks really nice with suspended lights. you know you get fairly low hanging ones to go over a dining table, could do something like that over the tank which would look really good.

other alternative is to buy a luminaire, plenty of them on ebay all different prices and bulbs and so on.
The problem with all the fixtures mentioned so far is that they all use halogen bulbs which give far less light per watt than standerd flourescent tubes and they isn't a wide range of spectrum choices, therefor they're not very good for plant growth. I'd suggest finding a similar that uses compact or standard flourescents. I've also seen a few hanging light fictures like that that use LEDs but they're very expesive.
I'd go for an Arcadia Luminaire, but I'm extremely biased - I think they're fabulous.
Don't know if you've managed to get a 'nice' light yet, but there are easy ways to take a regular fixture for the home and make a light for your tank. This isn't a full detail on how to, but rather the general idea to give you a 'sense' of how to make lighting.

1. Find a fluorescent light holder that is about the same length of the back of your tank (all wall mount style, don't go over).
<- like this
2. If it is shorter than your tank, you will need to 'extend' the side so it sits on the top of your tank. (you're on your own for this one)
3. Reflective material behind the light. i.e, curl tinfoil around the sides and top of the light (a few centimeters away from the tube itself)
-- Note: it works best if you have something rigid surround the light (except the bottom side) to affix your reflective material to.
3. 'decorate' the ghastly looking fixture you picked up. Paint it, cover it in wallpaper, whatever you want.

**note: think about how you will attach any additions needed to the fixture you buy. Will glue be sufficient to hold? Strong tape (i.e. gorilla tape)? If you do it right, you won't need much more than a light fixture, scissors, tinfoil, paper-clips (or something else to keep the shape of your tinfoil), tape/glue, and decorations.

:) have fun inventing! (oh, also, just for your safety, I want to remind you that water & electricity do NOT mix!!!!!)

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