Planning to reuse my two year old 10 gallon tall


Fish Addict
May 9, 2023
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
Hi, I might set up my old 10 gallon tall (30 x 30 x 45cm) that I have had since 2023 again (yes, it was originally used for silvertip and cardinal tetras due to my then-poor research). Its actual capacity is 31.1L (8 gallons) because the back part is used for the filtration compartment (the last 7cm of depth is used for it, leaving 30 x 23 x 45cm of actual capacity in the Petworx Nano 45 aquarium). What fish (other than a betta, shrimp and snails), ideally from South America, might I put in here? Axelrodia riesei (Río Meta, Colombia) and Hyphessobrycon elachys (Río de la Plata region) might be good for a possible setup, but I don't know due to the limited space of the tank that I have in my bedroom. The former is a tiny carnivorous tetra and the latter tetra is a small omnivore. I might put 8-10 of one species (again, species-only setup like I did with the 39.2 gallon I have with the silvertip tetras).

Or perhaps I might try to keep a pair of Austrolebias nigripinnis, a killifish from the Lower Río Paraná. I've never kept killies before, but that might happen one day when I'm a bit more experienced. I think South American aquarium fish are more interesting in colour, behaviour and habitat than those from Southeast Asia (although some Asian fish have equal interest in those traits), so I have almost exclusively kept them. Any thoughts on my stocking ideas?

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