Planning On Getting An Otocinclus Or Two...

She said Golden Algae Eaters in another post here. I didn't know what it was until I looked it up, and discovered it's a golden variation of a CAE! 
Fallwyn, you have two Golden Algae Eaters, Gyrinocheilos aymonieri, in a 30x12 in tank?  That is not going to be possible as they can reach 10" to 1' in length, the equivalent of the heigh and depth of your tank.  Plus, as they grow, they become more aggressive towards other fish, in addition to completely stopping eating algae at larger sizes.  Bring them back to your fish store, wait a month or two until your tank is fully cycled and then get 6 otocinclus or maybe even a bristle nose pleco...
EDIT: Should have followed the above link to see that this was already recommended to you. I guess it doesn't hurt to be encourages twice.

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