Planning On 10 Gallon Divided Tank

love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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I can pick up a cheap 10 gallon for my bettas. Just wondering does it need a filter or would the turbulence of the water be too much for the bettas. Can I put them in without cycling the tank? I can change the water daily and clean gravel once a week. Will this work. I have two males I will be putting in there and buying another male. The female I have is not feeling well and will probably stress out males too much being in same tank. She will be staying in her 3 gallon. I will be buying the top probably this weekend when I have the money, the light will warm up the water, right now they don't have heater and are doing well. Any suggestions welcome. Sick of having to change 3 small tanks of all the water twice a week. Want one tank for all males, much easier to take care of.
I always put filters on aquariums w/ more than 5 Gs. There are alot of ways you can slow the filter. I use a divider screen in front on one of mine and I set the other on a divider separating some males and stuffed some filter floss in the out take. My 1 G I have a UGF that I face toward the wall of the tank to reduce flow.
I tried fishless cycling before and found it to be a big pain. I usually just put them in and do partial water changes every week for a couple 4-8 weeks and add stress zyme.
I also assume you know to use dividers in the tank to separate the males.
As for heating thje water, I prefer heaters, but if you don't use one just keep your house warm. The only lights that heat water are incandesents and that can be a real pain in summer so I'd reccomend flouresents. Flouresents cost more but use less energy.
I went and bought the tank and put the 2 males in there with dividers. Planning on getting heater soon. Will be changing 50% of water 3 days in a row, last day will clean gravel. Will that be good enough, have not had success on filters for bettas. They get too stressed and die. Is there an in tank filter that would be very little turbulence. Had to put plastic (blue fish tank background) against divider because they were flaring and banging into it trying to get to eachother, thought they would hurt themselves.
Ive got a 30L divided tank with 3 boys in it. I use one of those bubble driven corner filters in one division, if one of the boys really doent like the current you can put him in the division as far from the filter as possible. i use a valve to reduce the amount of bubbles and everyone seems happy. i also keep tank heated with a heater. just saves a lot of hassle. my heater died on monday and is only getting replaced today. even though it is warming up here the temperature has droped to 22 degrees C.
I use a Whisper Internal Filter in my divided 10G.

I strongly suggest using a filter, it makes water changes a lot easier. If you don't use a filter you will have to change 100% of the water at least once every 2 weeks with a partial water change every week at least.

If you use a hang on back filter you can kill the current. I do that in one of my tanks and the fish did not get stressed at all.

Heating is a good idea with winter on the way(unless of course you are in Australia where it is almost summer. I personally don't heat my tanks, but I keep my house at a steady temperature, even over night. Their water never drops below 70.

I think an undergravel filter would not cause too much water movement for the bettas and are also very cheap :thumbs:
I couldn't see the thread to see what you plastic thing they used to cut and put on the filter. Do you know? I will be looking into a filter next week, not too sure what type I will end up getting. How is the internal whisper filter, much turbulence? Will change water on Friday, give the guys a chance to get used to their new home. Flame, crowntail, loves his new home, he was in a pickle jar so lots more room for him.

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