Planning New Tank


Fish Herder
Mar 9, 2006
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I have been given approval for a bigger tank I will be looking at either a 48 x 24 x 24 or a 36 x 36 x 24.

I will be keeping my exsisting stock in there

1 x purple firefish
1 x common perc
1 x pygmy cherub
1 x mandarin
1 x Flymo Blenny

I will be looking to add

4 x Scribbled Anthias or similar
1 x Kole Tang

Then possibly

1 x Mr Perc
1 x Mrs Mandarin

I suspect that will fill it if room maybe some small wrasse

I would like to keep clams as well in the future so 1 or 2 Maximas at a guess or Croceas

Equipment shopping list

T5 most probably DIY 6 or 8 tubes dependant on what I need for maxima`s

The tank will be sumped size depends on reactors etc.

Skimmer MCE at a guess more reasearch needed
Hailea return pumps
Koralias to start with as Vortechs are very expensive but will reasearch more at time of purchase
Calcium reactor to help SPS and Clams
Phosphate reactor
Carbon Reactor
Auto top off

I did consider zeovit but I think that will be to much for me at the moment maybe later on.

Have I missed anything?
cool. :hyper: what is your old tank? i dont think you have left any thing out.
Hmm struggling with light options do I go MH, T5 or LED

I am guessing I will need 8 x T5s to keep clams at the bottom

Or 2 x 250Mh with 2 Actinics

Or lost of Leds tbh I have no idea how many could be as many as 100
Oh wow, that is great - you lucky devil - I love setting up a new tank :good:

Be careful with the scribbles - learn by my mistake, they need a mature tank and even though the contents of my tank were mature and the nems are fine the scribles didn't think so :crazy: one killed himself on the lights and the other two just died! They are the most gorgeous of fish and would love more but at thirty quid each I'm scared I might lose them all again!! Remember, just have one male, but why I am saying that I don't know as I'm sure you are well aware :rolleyes:

Seffie x
Thanks Seffie I have spent a lot of time talking and reading up on the Anthias SWM have a stunning display and chatted with them there

I have a long road to go with this project I am guessing about 4 months so planning the best I can now and keeping my eyes and ears open for bargains and will fill the garage up with the bits.

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