I've Got An Old Tank, I've Got A New Tank - What Do I Do Next?

Looks great Sic! Agree the new tank looks a lot less bright! lol If you want to get rid of the cloudiness quickly try some floss in the filter after the sponge - it will polish the water and will need changing once it's clear.
When I was changing from my 30L to my 60L I was told on here that I could transfer my Fluval U1 (overkill on the 30L) along with the fish as the bioload would be the same and obviously much more water to dilute the toxins. It's been fine from day 1!
I find it hard to judge the nitrAte colours on API too - there's a trick to get round this. If you can get some RO or distilled water try mixing 50/50 tank H2O to RO/dist H2O and seeing what the level is then. This could still look the same in which case it was probably nearer 80 OR it could be 20-40 in which case it would have been nearer 40 probably. It's the same situation with 10 & 20 I find too altho that's not too high so not really a problem in that instance.
The nitrate is certainly high. Did you test your tapwater? its unlikely but it may be coming out of the tap that way.

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