Planning a DIY canopy

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Lord of the fish

New Member
Jan 11, 2017
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Hi all

I've not been on here for years. Started fishkeeping about 15 years ago and this site was invaluable when I was starting up.

I've stripped down a tank and currently cleaning it ready for a new scape. As part of this, I'm going to build a whole new hood. I need the whole set up to be cat proof. We have a ginger tomcat who is about 1.5 years old. He is a huge beast and spends most of his time destroying everything. If something dangles, he will obliterate it.

So, with that in mind, I am designing the hood in such a way that no cables or hoses will be visible. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in cat proofing that you could share. In particular, for the c02 lines. I need to be able to see the bubble counter but if its just hanging there, it won't last 5 minutes with the cat. Im thinking of enclosing the bulk of the line with a vertical extension of the hood down one side of the tank to the rear, with a window to show the counter.

Any view, opinions or expertise shared would be most appreciated.

Thanks folks.
Hey David, we also have two cate that ritually destroy any mats by front door or back patio doors. This is what I use on the cats to extent when I go to bed I leave it on floor by mats and they keep clear.
Sorry, no design idea but if you live in the USA, here is suggest for material: 24 in. x 1/2 in. x 4 ft. White PVC ($32).

The stuff has little structural strength but it well suited for water exposure and can be painted.

Edit: Note, they also sell 1/4" thick sheets.
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Hey David, we also have two cate that ritually destroy any mats by front door or back patio doors. This is what I use on the cats to extent when I go to bed I leave it on floor by mats and they keep clear.
.View attachment 128548
Hi Metalman. Lol. Yes, I have 3 of these placed strategically around the house. He hates getting scooshed but never actually learns anything g from the punishment. If the bottle is just sitting there, it doesn't frighten him. Only if one of us is holding it. Should have name him Damien instead of Milo.
Sorry, no design idea but if you live in the USA, here is suggest for material: 24 in. x 1/2 in. x 4 ft. White PVC ($32).

The stuff has little structural strength but it well suited for water exposure and can be painted.

Edit: Note, they also sell 1/4" thick sheets.
Hi Mark

Yes I thought about something like this for the inner structure and then wood on the soutside to match other wood furniture in the room. Decisions decisions.
I’ve a floating shelf about 8” above my main tank. Just enough to be out of the way of the tank but enough to stop him getting on the hood. It removes and the two rods are a good place to attach a light when messing around inside the tank. We keep photos n plants on it.
All a bit unnecessary it turns out as we think that he thinks the tank is just another TV matching the almost identical tv on the other side of the chimney breast.
We did however play hours of fish tank YouTube footage on that TV before buying the tank to help embed the idea in his head. His sister when she was alive wouldn’t have been fooled for a minute. She was the brains in that outfit. She spotted we had frogs in the pond weeks before we did and months before he did.
He even ignores the mosquito fish 10G temporarily in the same room. Sleeping about three feet away on an armchair. Hes more of a mouse n bird man I reckon.
CL a cat owns I am sure you are aware and you cannot pre judge what they will or may do lol
Just a quick update on how the new top is coming on. Will put some photos up soon. Decided to go with 12mm ply. I got the basic frame done a few weekends ago and realised I'd made a total ass of it so pulled it all apart and started again. Im no carpenter so kinda learning as I go. Now I have it pretty much built. It fits absolutely perfectly to the top of the tank. There's a hinged top section which after 2 attempts also sits perfectly. Next im going to attach the lights to the under side of the hinged lid. My original intention was to have the lights independent of the top or mounted on a section that is fixed to each side wall so that they would remain in position when I opened the lid. However, that doesn't leave much room for maintenance. In the end, I've decided to mount the lights to the underside of the hinged lid. Yes, this means the light is gone for when I'm doing maintenance but it does give full and easy access all around the tank. Im now also just trying to consider where to position the pipes etc and have put up another thread asking people about that. Will be doing some more work on it next weekend so will get some pics up then.

All the best

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