Planning 10 Gallon Nano

If you use the aquaclear you can probably get away with only 1 powerhead to bump up the flow a bit. Testing should be done weekly
Ok so it's really up to me whether I want to use it then more or less? Do I need a skimmer too?
Usually no. Skimmers are tough to use on a small water volume like a 10g. They really only become beneficial/practical on tanks 30g and aboce
O I keep getting told I need a aquaclear and skimmer for the tank, what's your thoughts on this.
By who, your LFS that's looking to make some cash?

Protein skimmers filter out dissolved organic proteins or other hydrophobic organic compounds. Most of these dissolved organics are portions of fish waste and will release nitrates and/or phosphates into the water column. Protein skimmers remove these dissolved organics before they can break down and add nutrients into the water column.

Problem is, protein skimmers that are truly effective are large and clunky pieces of equipment that so not do well in nano setups. nano skimmers really dont do all that much and they can malfunction and release lots of air bubbles back into the tank which in turn can cause embolisms on invertebrates.

While I'm sure others disagree with me, IMO, a skimmer has no place in a 10g aquiarium.
Yeah, Ski is right with the no need for skimmer since its only a 10. Just do weekly water changes and you'll be fine. :good: As for the aquaclear, I have a 30 hangin off the back of my tank, and its doing a pretty good job. :)
Ok thanks, no my friend told me that and he has and his dad have lilke 5 or 6 sw tanks ranging from his 10 gallon nano to his 125 gallon sw and his dad's custom made 125 gallon tank.
Usually not, but all those things do is keep sthe surface film-free :)

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