Plan for Stocking 10 Gallon


New Member
Mar 22, 2004
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Re-post from beginners board - not getting any replies.

I have had a 10 Gallon going for a week. A few live plants, a driftwood log and a small cave. Smooth/rounded mid size Gravel, and filter is a Whisper Power filter and as per some online reviews it works well in a 10 gallon. I also added a small handful of gravel from a friend's well established healthy tank.

Yesterday I added 2 Dwarf Gouramis. If they make it through establishing the tank, I plan to add 3 Dwarf Corys and about 5-6 Glow light tetras.

1) Would I be overstocking the tank?

2) When should I add fish and in what order?

3) Can I do the entire school of Tetras at the same time or should I add them a couple at a time?

4) Is there anything I can do to make it easier on the gouramis already in there?
DONT add any more fish untill your tank has completed its cycle,better still ask your m8 to look after the fish you have in already as they will struggle in an uncycled tank.
As for your stocking levels ,sounds about right.
Once the tank cycles add the fish 1 species at a time.
the gouramis will work as cycleing fish but hold on for about a month before adding the tetras and then take about 3 weeks before you add the corys because the botom has the highest concentration of nasty chems. I personaly would add the tetras all at once because they will deal with the stress of cycleing better in a group try to under feed them at first.


I let my tank cycle by itself for about two weeks, then I added 3 zebra danios, then 2 weeks later, i added 5 tiger barbs, then one week later i added, 1 cichlid and 3 albino corys, and eveyone seems happy and's a fifteen gallon tank, so it's a bit crowded, but i'm tryin to do more frequent water changes to compensate.

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