

Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
:eek: My plakat seems to be acting a bit strange lately. Nothing has changed. Same water, same temperatures, nothing visible.

He's active most of the time running up and down the tank as well as around. However, if I'm not in the area, I've been catching him laying on the bottom and with his fins clamped. It's the clamped fins and the inactivity that leads me to believe that something is wrong. He's about a year old and was extremely active up until this week. You would never find him sitting on the bottom or even resting on the plants. Suddenly he's starting to do this.

I'm wondering if he might have some type of bacterial infection. The only different item in his diet has been frozen bloodworms which are allowed to thaw slightly before feeding. All the fish get this treat once a week. He's been off the black worms for about three to four weeks now. Could it be something left over from them?
My largest Plakat, Lenny has been doing exactly the same thing. Added some more uniodized salt to the water and a mild anti-bacterial (Nuetralized Flavine B.P.C.). This was two days ago. His fins are still not fully extended, but he is no longer lying on the bottom of his tank.

Funny thing is that I ran out of frozen bloodworms last week so their diet which consisted of 25% frozen food changed to 100% dry. Maybe both out fish have problems becasue of a sudden change in diet?
-_- I was thinking of doing a water change tomorrow and adding something like Bettamax or something for a bacterial infection. I don't think I have anything like what you used. I'll check my supplies out.

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