Fish Crazy
My plakat seems to be acting a bit strange lately. Nothing has changed. Same water, same temperatures, nothing visible.
He's active most of the time running up and down the tank as well as around. However, if I'm not in the area, I've been catching him laying on the bottom and with his fins clamped. It's the clamped fins and the inactivity that leads me to believe that something is wrong. He's about a year old and was extremely active up until this week. You would never find him sitting on the bottom or even resting on the plants. Suddenly he's starting to do this.
I'm wondering if he might have some type of bacterial infection. The only different item in his diet has been frozen bloodworms which are allowed to thaw slightly before feeding. All the fish get this treat once a week. He's been off the black worms for about three to four weeks now. Could it be something left over from them?
He's active most of the time running up and down the tank as well as around. However, if I'm not in the area, I've been catching him laying on the bottom and with his fins clamped. It's the clamped fins and the inactivity that leads me to believe that something is wrong. He's about a year old and was extremely active up until this week. You would never find him sitting on the bottom or even resting on the plants. Suddenly he's starting to do this.
I'm wondering if he might have some type of bacterial infection. The only different item in his diet has been frozen bloodworms which are allowed to thaw slightly before feeding. All the fish get this treat once a week. He's been off the black worms for about three to four weeks now. Could it be something left over from them?