New Member
I recently bought 6 cardinal tetras and 6 asian rummy nose rasboras for a well established 29 gallon (110 litres). My tank was not overstocked, consisting of only a school of about 9 neons, two bristle nose plecos, 3 small whiptail catfish and about 3 cory catfish. I have two hang on the tank filters, both of which include significant biological filtration material and I do 1/3 water changes every 2 weeks.
To start, everyone looked nice and healthy, then the cardinals within about a week starting dying off regularly until they were all gone. Once they had really started dying off, the neons i have had in there for 6-12 months started to follow suit, and now for the final act, the asian rummy nose have followed. The strange part is that the tetras never looked sick until right before they were about to die, and then they would be gasping and unable to swim. One of the asian rummynose did show some signs, it had a large white patch on its skin that suddenly appearred, and it seemed more like a discoloration of the scales more than as something growing on the surface of the fish. Regardless, it didn't last 24 hours after I saw that.
What I'm trying to figure out is what exactly these fish were getting sick and dying from! None of the fish appeared stressed with clamped fins or other outward signs. I have kept fish for many years and there always seems to be some sign that a fish is sick. The only thing I can possibly think of is that maybe there were some internal parasites involved? I keep thinking though that if that was the case the bottom feeders that go after the bodies would have been dying off with the others. Any thoughts or ideas on this would be helpful.
To start, everyone looked nice and healthy, then the cardinals within about a week starting dying off regularly until they were all gone. Once they had really started dying off, the neons i have had in there for 6-12 months started to follow suit, and now for the final act, the asian rummy nose have followed. The strange part is that the tetras never looked sick until right before they were about to die, and then they would be gasping and unable to swim. One of the asian rummynose did show some signs, it had a large white patch on its skin that suddenly appearred, and it seemed more like a discoloration of the scales more than as something growing on the surface of the fish. Regardless, it didn't last 24 hours after I saw that.
What I'm trying to figure out is what exactly these fish were getting sick and dying from! None of the fish appeared stressed with clamped fins or other outward signs. I have kept fish for many years and there always seems to be some sign that a fish is sick. The only thing I can possibly think of is that maybe there were some internal parasites involved? I keep thinking though that if that was the case the bottom feeders that go after the bodies would have been dying off with the others. Any thoughts or ideas on this would be helpful.