Pitbull Plec

sort of back to thread...

Looks like the eggs are pygmy corys :)

Oh well, at least somethings breeding. I'll race you with the pitbulls because it looks like since I put the new one in they have seperated into 2 pairs, so I hoping for the best.

Good luck with your too.

Ready Steady Goooooooooooo. lol
Goodluck SuperColey1 I haven't attempted to breed anything yet although I have fluked krib, angelfish and cory egg's...however all three seem easy to breed Lol
I meant Nitrites.

Ph6.4 (without Co2 is 7.2)
Amm 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5-25

Mine is heavily planted with a lot of fast growers and the nitrates range from 5-25 due to the plants. It never seems to stay constant but is usually closer to 5 than 25.

My 125 is the same, has 0 for all readings. But its heavily planted with fast, medium and slow growers.

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