Pitaya Updates


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Thought I'd pop in with an update on Pitaya, the little girl from Synirr. She's doing fantastic and growing fast; has a real apetite about her, and her back has straightened out a lot. You can see form the pic that she's really filled out, and is starting to look like a nice chubby female betta. She still has a wonky gill flap and bad eyes, but that can be expected. She also is missing one of those two long, dangling fins that hang from either side of the belly, and I don't think intends on growing in. Oh well, she's still adorable as is. :wub:

She's not very photogenic though... I tried to get some more pics, but the light bounces off of her in a very unfavorable way. I didn't even post the other two because it makes her look sickly with the missing fin, funky gill plate, and dull color. The brighter red bars on the gill plates don't help, either. Makes it look like she has flesh eating virus :lol: So, you'll have to take my word that she's eating voraciously, zipping happily around her tank, and growing increasingly harder to catch for water changes.
Pitaya looks great. The fin you are referring (sp) to is called a ventral fin. Hagen doesn't have them either, but I don't think he seems to notice.
She's looking great! I've gotta say it once again, I'm so glad you took her, she couldn't have hoped for a better home :wub:
I imagine her spine was a little crooked because she spent so much time lying around on the bottom in the growout tank, not being able to see how to swim around really well, but being in a tank by herself seems to have done wonders for her.

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