Pistol Shrimp

I am dreading it, I find it hard enough to catch my cichlids! :shout:

Can I do a vote Please can people say yes or no to if they were offered a free pistol shrimp and goby would you take it?


My bad i had mantis shrimp but they are ment to be link pistol shrimp, NO to the pistol yes to the goby

The only similaritys between the 2 is they both make annoying clicky noises and both kill stuff,Mantis Shrimps are not even actual shrimps!...they are cool tho :p

and to Tom...deffo a big no,i love my cleaner to much :p
Yer they are both free

so thats 2-0 maybe 3-0 well I think I will probably just get the goby.

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