Pistol Shrimp


Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Reading, UK
Hi all,

Just asking a question about Pistol Shrimp...

Can you keep them in a 30 UK gallon community aquarium with a mix of inverts, crabs and fish. You see I like the idea of the duo - blenny and shrimp.
I think it would make an interesting part of my aquarium.

Thanks in advance,

Yes pistol shrimp can go in a mixed tank. However, big shrimp can kill some small fish and crustaceans. They don’t normally but if they get hungry they will look for food and can use their trigger claws to whack things on the head :)
I fed mine each day and never had a problem with them other than a clicking noise at night. That got a bit annoying after a while.
Not all pistol shrimp will live with gobies. It is best to find the species that naturally occurs with the fish you have.
Thanks Colin, what do you feed yours and how often? I think I will go with one of these gobies: Yashia Haze Goby, Dracula goby, orange stripe prawn goby, high fin red banded goby, yellow watchmam goby.
I fed mine on marine mix, which is a combination of prawn, fish, squid & spinach. They will eat any sort of marine food including brineshrimp and mysis.
I fed them at night just before lights out. If they were hungry they would come out with the lights on, if they weren't very hungry they would wait until the tank was dark before coming out.
I had some local shrimp and a pr of redline cleaners (like the one in the youtube clip) in the tank. However, my pistol shrimp were smaller than the other shrimp. I have seen pistol shrimp do the whack on the head trick to a number of things including cleaner shrimp and small gobies and blennies. It is usually the really big pistol shrimp that do it. If they are well fed they are less inclined to killing other tank mates. Generally any fish that is bigger than them is safe.
So I suppose not to get one, but I think you got the trouble maker goby. I think I will try one and ask the LFS before the puchase if I can take it back if it really irritates me.

I read on other forums that pistols will eventually kill all other inverts and they are dead against it,the Tiger Pistols are put into tanks to hunt and kill Mantis Shrimp!

amen to that!!! i hate the little c**ts , had two in mine click click click click click!!

But then again ski has a tank just for them (i think)

mantis iirc. never found the right ine though. They are cool. Ive seen them slip crabs in half with one strike. Scary srong. hey can break the tank glass
I am dreading it, I find it hard enough to catch my cichlids! :shout:

Can I do a vote Please can people say yes or no to if they were offered a free pistol shrimp and goby would you take it?

I am dreading it, I find it hard enough to catch my cichlids! :shout:

Can I do a vote Please can people say yes or no to if they were offered a free pistol shrimp and goby would you take it?


My bad i had mantis shrimp but they are ment to be link pistol shrimp, NO to the pistol yes to the goby

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