pirhana newbie

having kept pirhanas in the past I would not put them in anything less than a 55 and even then I only had 2 in there although my brother kept 2 with a full grown oscar and a few other SA cichlids in a 250 gal!!!!!! but I wouldn't put anything else in a 55 with the pirhanas unless you want to lose it. but other than that it sounds like you have them on a good diet, I would also double up the filtration so you don't get too bad of a bioload in there with the small space due to the diet of the fish that you are keeping.
In a nutshell..............you RB will eventually kill the oscar and then turn on each other with the dominate becoming the victor!!

The problem with any pirahna is this..............

One is a bummer because it will not be very outgoing until feeders hit the tank or if it is very hungry.

Two piranha will eventually fight with each other until one is badly beaten.

If yoy ask any die hard piranha keeper they will tell you a schoal is the only way to go as it keeps the aggression level down and brings the best out of their behavior.

As for sexing.....IMo there is no external dimorphism to tell M/F apart!!


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