Piranha Tank

I prefer watching my mollies in my community tank lol;-) they are much more interesting!
I have lots of different fish. But idk if i want to be eaten by a jaguar in the amazon....would make an awsome story...ok..no i dont wanna be food.
I keep 5 caribe babies in my 60. wont be too long before i stop calling them babies! they grow so fast with 2 silversides a day. very dirty too!!!!
I was thinking of getting pirhannas later on when i gained more experience ... but i think ill stick with some fish with more personality and look at them from someone else's tank and enjoy the view without the hard work! lol
If they are legal in Canada have a look at snakeheads, the best beginner ones are dwarf or rainbow snakeheads. Still predators and more interesting, plus they thrive in heavily planted tanks so they are abit of a challenge!
Cichlids are a better alternative. Many personalities. And they learn to recognize their owner.
Dwarf snakeheads are a good suggestion :) I owned some of these before. They are also known as rainbow snakeheads or channa bleheri. Being dwarfs they only get to around 8 inches max. They are SUB TROPICAL fish so they need to be kept at around 18-19 degrees c all year around but will be ok if in the summer months when the temp rises... 21 degrees should be ok for these months.

They need lots of cover and dim lighting just like piranhas do although they are not messy eaters like piranhas so they wont need such high filtration.

If you were to get some channa bleheri then the best thing to do is to buy a group of 5 or 6 and then let a pair form naturally and then rehome the rest. If you dont rehome the rest then you will run into problems like aggression and very possibly deaths amongst the group.

They will eat live food but its better to keep them off it. A good staple diet like hikari carnivore is a good 1 to start and then go onto hikari massivore when the channa are big enough.

Sand substrate is also good to use with them :) they are truly stunning fish. Much much better than piranhas from my experience :)
Someone told me to get a snakehead....I cant remember who...

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