Piranha Bite.


New Member
May 5, 2009
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I was just wondering if anyone who owns red-bellied piranhas has ever been bitten by one like I have. In my case, it was a six inch specimen that I had had my hands in the tank thousands of times without incident. The only thing that I can think of for the cause of the bite was that I accidentally grabbed it trying to move something else. Let me know if any of you have been bitten also. I am new to this forum, but have kept fish for 6 years.
Only time Ive ever known anyone being bitten by a piranha in a tank (especially with pygocentrus species such as red's which are notoriously skittish) is when the keeper has cornered the fish, deliberatly or by mistake grabbed it, or when moving it to another tank.

These fish dont want to bite you and would rather swim away but as a last resort will bite like any animal to get away.

Bites from piranhas such as a big rhom is different. Sometimes its because the keeper has been stupid and hand feed the fish and put to much of their hand inside the tank. Not the fish's fault and not deliberate but in most cases the keeper will make out their vicious killer fish did it on purpose :rolleyes:

Mine has never bit me and when shes felt abit too brave I pull my hand out and guide her away with a net or something similar. Its very rare she does that, she knows that if she goes and sits in the corner out the way that I wont bother her and will be gone soon.

Its all about reading their behaviour sometimes and just been careful really, sorry to hear you got bit, hope it heals up soon :)
Mine are 12" long and even though they are calm [all the time]when I see there teeth when cleaning I make sure we all know what or where I'm going so either one of us don't get startled.
This happened almost two years ago that I was bitten. I have since had to get rid of all of my tanks (15 in total). I shouldn't say get rid of but they are eithe donated or in storage. The bite was vicious for such a small creature, it took over a month and a half to heal and I still do not have any feeling on and around the scar. By the way, I was bitten on my left ring finger. Even after the incident, I still had no qualms of putting my hand in the tank. I believe it was just a freak accident.

I want to start my tanks up and running again, any suggestions for tank mates in a 100g, and a 58g. Mostly predatory fish preferrably!
This happened almost two years ago that I was bitten. I have since had to get rid of all of my tanks (15 in total). I shouldn't say get rid of but they are eithe donated or in storage. The bite was vicious for such a small creature, it took over a month and a half to heal and I still do not have any feeling on and around the scar. By the way, I was bitten on my left ring finger. Even after the incident, I still had no qualms of putting my hand in the tank. I believe it was just a freak accident.

I want to start my tanks up and running again, any suggestions for tank mates in a 100g, and a 58g. Mostly predatory fish preferrably!

Yeah thats unlucky mate. You say tank mates, so you already have some fish you want?
This happened almost two years ago that I was bitten. I have since had to get rid of all of my tanks (15 in total). I shouldn't say get rid of but they are eithe donated or in storage. The bite was vicious for such a small creature, it took over a month and a half to heal and I still do not have any feeling on and around the scar. By the way, I was bitten on my left ring finger. Even after the incident, I still had no qualms of putting my hand in the tank. I believe it was just a freak accident.

I want to start my tanks up and running again, any suggestions for tank mates in a 100g, and a 58g. Mostly predatory fish preferrably!

Yeah thats unlucky mate. You say tank mates, so you already have some fish you want?

All I have is the tanks setup and running. The tanks are bare, with good filtration, just wanted some ideas for species. In the past I kept a RTC (18") and a tiger shovelnose (10") in the 100g, but one morning I checked on them and the RTC had the tiger's tail sticking out of its mouth and that was it. I would like another RTC, but I do not have the means to keep them when they get too big. I am a little slow at the correct names, or latin names of the fish, it has been a while since I did research on that, so bare with me. If you have any ideas let me know. Thanks.
I was just wondering if anyone who owns red-bellied piranhas has ever been bitten by one like I have. In my case, it was a six inch specimen that I had had my hands in the tank thousands of times without incident. The only thing that I can think of for the cause of the bite was that I accidentally grabbed it trying to move something else. Let me know if any of you have been bitten also. I am new to this forum, but have kept fish for 6 years.

i have 8 reds all about 5-6 inches and have had them for 2-3 years. i was cleaning the tank and thought that they were all on the other side of the tank but one was hiding right next to a plant i was about to pick up. i grabbed the plant and the red swam out and bit me on the inner part of my forearm. somehow, i dont know how, but it didnt rip the flesh off of the spot he bit. it hurt and i am much more careful when cleaning my tank now. i think you just have to put yourself in the fish's position, because even though you've cleaned the tank many many times, the was the first time the fish felt reallly threatened, and he freaked out. so was your bite bad, or not a big deal?
I was just wondering if anyone who owns red-bellied piranhas has ever been bitten by one like I have. In my case, it was a six inch specimen that I had had my hands in the tank thousands of times without incident. The only thing that I can think of for the cause of the bite was that I accidentally grabbed it trying to move something else. Let me know if any of you have been bitten also. I am new to this forum, but have kept fish for 6 years.

i have 8 reds all about 5-6 inches and have had them for 2-3 years. i was cleaning the tank and thought that they were all on the other side of the tank but one was hiding right next to a plant i was about to pick up. i grabbed the plant and the red swam out and bit me on the inner part of my forearm. somehow, i dont know how, but it didnt rip the flesh off of the spot he bit. it hurt and i am much more careful when cleaning my tank now. i think you just have to put yourself in the fish's position, because even though you've cleaned the tank many many times, the was the first time the fish felt reallly threatened, and he freaked out. so was your bite bad, or not a big deal?

My bite was bad, I had to wear basically a 14 layer guaze condom for two weeks, and after that it took a month to health, and the scar has deformed my finger and is very raised. It has healed but I still have no feeling around or on it. You are very lucky you didn't get hurt. I do no have health insurance and the bite cost me $3,000.00, roughly.

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