Piranah For 60g?

I've seen it done, and the fish are no worse for wear... so I don't know why that's a pet peve of yours when it happens all the time...
Just because it's done all the time doesn't mean it's right. They may be as healthy as their counterparts in 75 gallons tanks, but they really need more room to be comfortable.
actually I've done loads of research and dispite the size that a piranah grows to, it doesn't need all that room... yes it is better because of the bioload, however getting a sick piranah is damn hard so long as the water temperature is above 80F
I don't know where you've done your research, but whoever told you that they don't need much room is sadly mistaken.
Fate, I'm not trying to pile on here but that's simply not true.

Piranha's have probably the greatest healing powers in the fish world when it comes to physical trauma (I've seen piranhas with their stomach bit in half and their innards literally hanging out underneath survive and do great) but they can get sick like any other fish.

I'd say a minimum of 75g for 3 and 4 rbp's. Piranha's, especially Serra's but pygo's also, are extremely territorial. Even more so than cichlids, ime.

You can try it against our advice but they'll kill however many they need to feel comfortable and have their territory.

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