Pirami, pale chub

I've kept several smaller species of "blue zacco" that show up here in NY from time to time. They did fine in 75 degree water for years, I had mine in with Madagascar rainbows with no major issues. The zaccos I had were super nippy, fast swimmers that reminded me of a giant danio with a big tetras nippy personality. If you get these guys, consider a big tank.
What kind of size tank are we looking at here? Do they prefer to be in groups and what sort of size groups? I don't mind having them in a tank all by their own, the majority of other coldwater fish don't interest me.
From the information I've gathered they're a schooling fish. They're minnows so they'll probably do good in a group of 6 or more. I think a 30 gallon long might work but if they're as fast as mbhw says, they may need something like a 50.
I think if they resemble thier smaller cousins, a minimum tank size should be a 75 gallon or a 125. 6" is a lot of fish, especially when they can move that fast. Plus, you will definately need a group of them, the more the better.

Let me give you some examples:

Halfbeaks - small fish, but every one I see in under a 55 gallon after a few months has a broken jaw. They are too spooky for small confines.

Freshwater barracudas - basically predatory tetras, again, not a huge fish, but in under a 55 gallon you are immediately asking for trouble.

Giant danios - can live in a 30 gallon, but they truly thrive when you put them in something like a 55.

All I'm saying is don't let your enthusiasm override sound judgement. I really wanted a giant gourami, but a 75 gallon is too small, so I went with a different species instead. Sorry to burst your bubble, but they will probably be really difficult to find anyway. Best of luck, let us know how you make out.
Thanks for the info, i think i will have to re-think my plans then if they need somthing in the range of a 55-75gal tank -_- .
I can do a 75g but it will be some years from now along with the rest of my plans for large tanks. :p Fortunate then that it might take me so long to even find a way to import them instead of finding out next week then suffering several years of want but can't have. :p

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