Pink Parrot Fish


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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hello, I've recently added a pink parrot fish to my collection of tropical fish at home (gold algae eater, angle fish, male rosey barb, peppered cory catfish and a male platy) The parrot fish has become extremely aggressive to all the fish except the angle fish? Is this normal and am i going to have to remove it to restore the peace in my tank? :dunno:
by 'pink parrot fish' are you talking about the Blood Parrot hybrid dyed a pink color, or the Parrot/Pink Convict Hybrid Hybrid? Either way these types of fish can be unpredictable because of their lineage, and if it is harassing the other fish it's obvious he needs to be removed. Parrots need big tanks and if yours is less then 50 gallons it would be best to get something more suitable anyway.
Does it look like the pink ones in here?

If so, its dyed :no: . As freddyk said, all parrots tend to get aggressive, especially to fish smaller than itself.
its not like those, i'll take a pic and post it tomorrow. :)
Thats just your everyday Blood Parrot, but the LFS must of labeled it somthing else. They are pretty agressive, no one really knows how they were made but there are signs of Midas in it. Midas themselfs are a highly agressive cichlid so yeah it is abit agressive for your tank, when it gets older it will pick on your angel, I dont think its a good tank mix.
any1 know what to do with this fish then? i cant have it in my tank (obviously) and it cost alot... any suggestions?
Problem Solved now :) i took the fish to my local pet shop(the owner of the shop is a fish enthusiast,knows everything about everything and is really nice) and told me it was a BABY Parrot Fish. They were'nt most pleased at the size of fish i had been sold as it was only inch (possibly a little less) long and still had its baby colouring.We also found out the fish had been priced at fully grown size when it should have only been a few pounds!!

Thankfully they rehome fish for free and weirdly already had a fully grown parrot fish (which was given to them as the owner could no long look after it) getting re-homed today so the lady taking the large parrot fish agreed to take to baby too! So peace is restored in my tank thank goodness!! learnt big lesson with this, dont buy a pretty looking little cute fish from a profit driven, mass producing pet shop (Acorn Pet Stores) and ALWAYS research your chosen fish before buying it or u could be in for a nasty surprize!!!!! :-(
Glad to hear everything worked out ok :D
I have 3 pink parrot fish just like the one in Gabrielles picture.
2 have paired up and a month ago had babies but they all died.
they have since had more babies and I could do with knowing how to keep them alive!!!
they are in a community tank with angel fish, platies, red tailed rasborras, a plec and a red tailed shark.
My local shop has told me that pink parrots are infertile! but I have definately had babies.
How can i get them out and into a nursery area - Help!!
"Pink parrots" is usually another term for "jellybean parrots", which are the blood parrot-pink convict hybrids and are fertile. Can't help you with how to raise the babies as I have no experience with that, but I'm sure someone will know :)
Yea the fish in the pic is a jellybean parrot, not a blood parrot..

and as for raising fry up, one thing you should do if you want to keep the fry alive is move them to their own tank..... parents probably are too bothered defending the fry from all their tankmates.
Yes, looks like it is a jellybean parrot.
Having big difficulty trying to get fry out as the nest is under plants and rocks and the parents are being buggers!! I have even now bought a big Turkey baster to try and suck the fry out!
If I do move the parents to a separate tank and they have more fry I know I need to move them out and back into the larger tank but will they become very aggresive - they have calmed down a bit and the female is only aggresive defending her corner.
God it's worse than looking after the kids!! :D

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