Fish Aficionado
Really pretty Nem. Glad it is pulling through its close encounter with the powerhead.
Give Blue legged hermits a go. They're working for me. but dont forget to provide extra shells to stop them attacking the snails.
I have 4 redlegged crabs in my tank also, they are much bigger than the blue legs but are more docile and lazier than the blues.
Once I added the blues they set to work pretty quickly and have changed shells many times (provide empty shells for them to change) They seem to do this quite often.
Not sure about the Mithrax crab as I dont have or want one as I have read that they are opportunistic feeders and if food is scarce then they are partial to having a nibble at the coral.
That nem looks absolutely stunning, really looks good in your tank ^^
...And is it me, or do the tips remind anyone else of blown up condoms? You know, with the whole translucent effect, slightly tinted and with a bubble, then a tip?
*realises how this must sound, so shuts up*
But it's good that it survived and has recovered from the filter
Start feeding them when they grow new mouths.
Nems generally are indifferent to clowns in aquaria. Very small anemones can be stressed though.
Also a good idea to see if their tentacles are sticky before you try and feed them . That is, assuming you're not allergic to their sting.