Pigmy Puffers

I'm going to stick my neck out a little here... I can understand both what the moderators are trying to do but also the frustration that some people might have in not being able to direct enquiring aquarists towards other resources on the web. My belief is that some re-direction to other forums (or sites associated with other forums) is valid; but not always.

Scenario 1: Someone asks what salinity they need to maintain their new green spotted puffer at.

There's no reason to re-direct that person to another forum since the information is here, and there are plenty of people here who could answer that. So, in this instance, directing to another forum is redundant.

Scenario 2: Someone asks about how to breed dwarf puffers.

This is a pretty obscure topic, and no-one here (to my knowledge) has done this. On the other hand, there is at least one other forum I can think of where this topic has been discussed by people who've bred these fish. In this case, a re-direct is valid.

So I'd suggest that posters consider whether they can simply answer the question here rather than re-direct, but also moderators consider whether sending someone to another forum would actually be the logical thing to do.


so basically what you have just said is that once amember has been warned then the majority of their posts will be edited because they broke the rules before. :/ Even though they are now abiding by them.

welcome to human nature? i sympathize with your position; it can be really distracting when a post doesn't say what you typed. but the squeaky wheel gets greased... :dunno:

i think that ultimately i agree w/ nmonks on the issue--but at the same time, i feel that TFF only exists to begin with out of the generousity of the mod team and William. it might be a SE US thing, but i'm just going smile and take what i've been given, gruel and all ;)

(in case the proper tone is not coming across, i'm trying to be very concilliatory and supportive of both sides. i'm not at all trying to get your goat, rocker; you're a great info resource even when you aren't using outside references! last thing i want to do is run you out of town :nod:)

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