Pigmy Puffers


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2006
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does anyone know if pigmy puffers are just as aggressive as their larger relatives?
does anyone know if pigmy puffers are just as aggressive as their larger relatives?

Take a look in the "oddballs" forum. You'll see there a stickied topic on "dwarf puffers". they're the same creatures.
Maybe not as, but they still have a lot of aggression for their size, they will nip the fins of other fish. And also the guy at one of my lfs's said that one had bitten him whilst he was doing a water change :X.
pufferlist will be diasappearing soon try

mod edit, no advertising of other forums without prior permission
If you haven't read it already, we have a great pinned topic on the subject of dwarf puffers, here:


They can be aggressive, and some people keep them in smaller tanks than would be ideal. But if you get a big enough tank, you can keep them in groups, and many people have added Otocinclus and Amano shrimps to create fun little communities.


It will be going offline and there is a new and improved puffer encyclopedia to replace it that I have helped put together. The encyclopedia can be seen now by going to
Who keeps editing my posts without consultation?

The direction was to an encyclopedia not a forum.

So do tell me please why it was edited out.
honestly Rocker, you posts link to exterior forums so often that (1) the mods know to check your posts for links and (2) they don't bother examining these links, they just assume that they lead to one of your preferred forums.
then I suggest they do the job properly. I have been warned about posting to a forum. I abided by that after my first and only warning. I post with reference to an encyclopedia not a chat forum. What is it with this forum?
A bit insecure or what?
the mods are people with real lives beyond just policing the fish forum. think of it this way: each mod is responsible for reading all (or the vast majority) of the new posts in their associated subforums. then they're also expected to respond to those posts where their expertise is needed. they also have secret mod duties going on in the mod forum. they also need to read and review all reported posts and the posts of members on probation.

depending on the level of activity in their forums, that's at least an hour's worth of work each day. wuv and cfc probably spend closer to two or three hours because they're responsible for the high volume "Betta" and "Tropical Chit Chat" forums.

while you may have stopped posting direct links to other chat forums, you are probably still mentally categorized as "member who links other forums" and it could easily just be a default response to censor out your links. like i said, there's a lot of time and effort that goes into be a TFF mod. i'm sure that dealing with the precise nuances of the rules sometimes just falls through a crack.
so basically what you have just said is that once amember has been warned then the majority of their posts will be edited because they broke the rules before. :/ Even though they are now abiding by them.
so basically what you have just said is that once amember has been warned then the majority of their posts will be edited because they broke the rules before. :/ Even though they are now abiding by them.
If your good and dont break any rules im sure you will be taken off any black list :p. :shout:

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