Pigmy Cory


New Member
Nov 12, 2004
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Went to 5 LFS and none of them had the Pigmy Cory. Are these a rare cory? How does the albino cory compare?

BTW - I have a 10 gallon tank.

Haven't seen any in the stores near me. Picked up 5 or 6 at an auction a few months ago, they seem like just about any other cory, just smaller.

Chuck_S said:
Went to 5 LFS and none of them had the Pigmy Cory. Are these a rare cory? How does the albino cory compare?

BTW - I have a 10 gallon tank.

The albino cory, which is usually the albino form of c. anaeus is about five times larger and is nothing at all like the pygmies.

The pygmy cory is the only cory (as far as I'm aware) that prefers to swim mid level rather than stay on the bottom and is very small compared to other species.

Like all cories, both the pygmy and the albino anaeus need to be kept in groups of at least three.

I have only once seen pygmies for sale around here (East Anglia), but I understand that they're fairly commonly available generally.
I had pigmy's once, they stayed on the bottom for the most part for me. A fish that's rare in one place may be common in another, but I haven't seen them in a long time myself.
The smaller varieties of corys need larger groups than normal corys so i would say around 8 because normal size corys should be kept in groups of 6.
I have 2 varieties of Pygmy cory, 2 of the striped ones and 6 of the tail spot ones. They are really cool little fish but i have not seem them around hardly ever (except on 2 random occasions)

In another bizzare twist of fate, we visited an LFS today and there were C. pygmaeus

We didn't get any though, we don't really have the room.

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