Ooooh well i want my BF too get a prince albert hes got his lip.... tragus as the rest of his ears done lol.... eyebrow, nose....
but my fave is his tongue
Trust me Nakomis, if you can convince him to get it done, you won't regret it

make sure he stretches up to about 4 or 5mm though...otherwise the ring will pinch and it can be rather uncomfortable for both of you. Oh btw it will be very very uncomfortable if you try and go at it a bit too enthusiasticly when he's at a lower gauge.
and in response to Colin T.
A Prince Albert is a male genital piercing. The actual piercing hole is made at the bottom of the gland (head), either on the left or the right of a guys frenum (I had mine pierced on the left.. don't know why lol). The most common jewellery for this piercing is a ring. You usually get pierced at 2.4mm with a ring that has an internal diameter of about 16-17mm. After you've healed this can be reduced for comfort. I personally prefer a 12mm internal diameter as it's a snug fit and theres no chance of pinching.
After having it pierced for a minimum of 6 months you can think about stretching. But it isn't like stretching your ears. The skin is a lot more resistant to stretching. I've found the best way is to have a very active with your partner and you should be able to stretch with a bit more ease.
An ampallang is a straight bar thats pierced horiziontally through the gland. Again this tends to be more comfortable when stretched to a larger gauge. Although this piercing causes a lot more trauma to the penis, therefore healing time is a lot longer.
An apadravya (apparently the daddy of all genital piercings) is like an ampallang, but pierced vertically through the glands. Again longer healing time and more comfortable at larger gauge. But has the advantage of hitting both spots at once (ladies you might be interested in that lol) and guys tend to notice that while 'using' this piercings, that the bar will spin. Thus increasing sensation for both partners.
All these piercings will increase sensation for both partners. But which one you go for and which one your partner will like is down to personal preference. All of these piercings can be used with protection, although it is advised that you use slightly stronger 'rubber friends'.