Pictus Tank


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
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Hello all, Im new to this forum but have kept tropical fish for many years.
The fish that has brought me the most pleasure to own has been the pimpictus cat fish, though in my largest tank (5ft) they are shy- many reasons including only having a pair and being with other more aggressive fish.
I want to set up a perfect home for my pictus, large tank (again a 5 footer - 130l) and they will be the main residents.
I understand that lots of planting, bogwood, caves etc will keep them happy and a fine substrate for their barbels. Luckily my water supply is soft, and the tank will be fully cycled.

What I would like advice on is what would be the best tank mates for the pictus, to deal with algae etc. I dont want anything that will detract from the pictus's enjoyment and liveliness. I must however admit to being v. fond of firemouth cichlids but assume these would be to much for the pictus.

Also how many could I keep in the tank happily?

Please, please advise what residents would give me a happy, balanced tank with delighted pictus
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
5 foot and only 130L? do you mean 130Gallons?

If it IS 130Gallons i'd go for a group of 6. You could happily mix them with a group of firemouths, maybe 3 or 4.

They generally mix with most things above sword-tail size, and are only agressive to each other if you don't have enough. I have 4. I used to have 3 in a 60 Gallon tank and they constantly squabbled over terratory. Now I have a 4th and they are in my 6ft 150Gallon, they are MUCH better. always swim about together and play rather than fight.

6-8 of these, some plecs and some nice big cichlids would work well in a 5ft (provided its 130G and not 130L!)

5 foot and only 130L? do you mean 130Gallons?

If it IS 130Gallons i'd go for a group of 6. You could happily mix them with a group of firemouths, maybe 3 or 4.

They generally mix with most things above sword-tail size, and are only agressive to each other if you don't have enough. I have 4. I used to have 3 in a 60 Gallon tank and they constantly squabbled over terratory. Now I have a 4th and they are in my 6ft 150Gallon, they are MUCH better. always swim about together and play rather than fight.

6-8 of these, some plecs and some nice big cichlids would work well in a 5ft (provided its 130G and not 130L!)

If it's 5'x1'x1' it works out about 130litres & I'd say it's too small for the pictus. Mine grew to about 6"SL and were very active.
Upgrade to a 5' - 400L tank & half a dozen pictus will happily live with a pair of firemouths & a shoal of giant danios, A big bristlenose will take care of algae.
They'd be fine in a 5x1x1, if thats what size it is. Just means you would have to otherwise stock quite lightly. In 130L You could have 6 pictus and 2 firemouths.

Thanks for the advice so far. Tank is 50" x 12" width x 18" deep, do wish it was wider though as it makes heavy planting difficult whilst stlill leaving clear areas (I have a bit of a bog wood fetish!! and pots and coconuts etc...have to employ serious disciplin when arranging!)
The internal volume of your tank works out at about 160L, which is about 35Gallons.

I say cut back on the plants, stick to bogwood etc and you should be fine. Just remember what has been said about not overstocking.

What are you doing for filtration? You deffinately want external filtration for messy pictus and firemouths.

Previously I had used internal filters. 2 x fluval 4's, one at each end. If this wont be enough could you recommend what would do the job. When it comes to external filters I know nothing...except that they are pretty costly. However, I would rather wait, save up and do it properly!
I am very gratefull for the time you have taken to respond to me, long term my fish will be happier for your wisdom!
2 Fluval 4s may be sufficient, you just need to keep on top of the maintanence for them.

I have 2 Fluval 4+ in a 4ft 50Gallon tank full of loaches and catfish. It seems to do the job but i am very rigerous about keeping them clean.

Its your choice, personally i would use an external for ease of use. I am planning on getting one for the 4fter ive got and doing away with the Fluvals.


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