Pictus cats

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
I have a 32g (48" by 12" by 15") tank that I want for pictus cats. I wondered if you'd be kind enough to give me some ideas about how many would be suitable and any tankmates they get along with. I read the info you have on them here and also wondered if there's a substrate they prefer. I'm happy for it to be just a species tank but all ideas would be great. Thanks in advance. :)
Edited for dimensions added!
They have some pinned info here. They say they do best in groups of 3+ though saying that I have a single one in a community tank and it's very active and non-aggressive.
If you set up a tank for them, remember they need loads of open swimming space as they are ultra fast swimmers and love patrolling the tank at breakneck speeds.
Also, do not keep any small fish under 2 " in the tank with them (or depending on your pictus cat size, even under 3"), as they can and will eat smaller fish.
All great info Δ there ... They are definately better in groups...3-4 should be ok in that tank...just make sure you have plenty of caves/rocks and over hanging plants that they can use during the day.You could also think about getting a mid/top level fish aslong as you keep to the 3" rule. If you do decide to get them i would rig up/buy a night lite for the tank, as there true personality/behavior comes out during lights out..My 5 are in almost constant hiding during the day, but once the lights go out they all come out and patrol for a snack.


If i had of moved those towels, this would of been a good pic.
Keep us updated
I now have 6 on reserve. The lfs is looking after them until I'm happy with the tank and after my sons hospital stay (He has telemetry next week and will be in for most of the week. I shall be with him!).
Getting a nightlight shouldn't be too hard and live plants are no trouble either. I use them in my smaller tank too so may transplant one along with lots of new ones.
We also have a handy gardening heavy duty type place just down the road that sell alot of rock of varying sorts cheap. So long as I thoroughly wash and check them beforehand they'd be great since the manmade 'caves' for aquariums are incredibly expensive.
I was told at the lfs they'd prefer a silver sand type substrate. Is this correct?
They'd never heard of my endlers until today. *doh* So it makes me wonder just how good they are. :rolleyes:
Your's are beautiful digital_run. Somewhat bigger then the ones I will be getting, which are all rather young still.
What type would be best fishwise then, with the pictus? Bearing in mind the 6 cats and their adult sizes there can't be that many 3" + that will not overload the tank? :dunno:
With a good filter you could get away with something like a coule of african butterfly fish in there. Or else a pair of gouarmi or something of that ilk. to occupy the upper regions of the tank.

I must admit I fear that 6 may be a bit much in a 32gal. I have 5 in my 85 (6' x 18" x 18") and they tend to get in each others way during the day. I'm not sure if you will be able to establish enough boundaries in a tank that size for so many.
yeah 6 is too many. I have 3 in my 55 and i could maybe squeeze in 2 more if i tried hard. They cover a lot more space than you think. Mine are constantly moving and i dont know how they could be more active at night. Theyll eat out of your hand if you train them to. Mine are pretty funny. they get hyperactive,and i mean HYPER, at feeding time. theyll pick up food pellets and carry them around.
Uh 6 is wayyyy to many for a 32 gallon I'm afraid :no:
Start with 3 and see how it goes. Remember these fish produce a fair amount of waste so the 1" per gallon rule does not apply here. You might also find more aggression in a confined space.

Softer sand type substrate is best to protect their long barbels.

Edit: and just a side note - they go nuts for live food and love frozen bloodworm too. As Fishy411 said - completely HYPER
Good luck ! :thumbs:
Ah. Ok. I can cut down to 3 or 4 but I was a lil worried about that not being enough and they might be squabbly? But I trust you guys so 3 it will be. :)
Not come across the african butterflies so I shall look into them too. I did wonder if 6 would be too many. :*)
That's why I'm doing this bit now before I have them! :thumbs:
The tank they currently occupy is smaller then my 60, probably not even half it's size at the lfs. I know they have special filtration etc but even so. :no:
I just wanna do what's best for them and, since the supposed experts had never even heard of my lil endlers, let alone seen them, I trust you lot a whole lot more. ;)
Airstones. Good idea or no? Just thinking of keeping the water well oxygenated at that size with a half decent exteral filter.
Airstone wont affect them. With 3 they may squabble a little. Mine sometimes do. They just go hyper and all you see is silver but it only lasts like a second and then they are fine. It is mostly over food. one will grab the others pellet out of its mouth. No harm done though.
Just remember that lfs are only temporary homes - not permanent. And they generally also have huge filtration systems. Absolutely not comparable at all I'm afraid. I would honestly not recommend more than 3 – max 4 in that tank. They also grow relatively quickly. Don’t be fooled by their size at the moment.
And make sure you have a decent filter - not just a half decent one ;)
They really are lovely fish and you will enjoy them.
They are lovely fish and non-aggresive but if you have fish Neon tetra size or smaller you will find them disapearing when the pictus get to over 4 inches.
They don't activley hunt them but will catch them at night when they are sleeping on the bottom as they are opportunist feeders with big mouths. :hyper:
shaemell said:
They are lovely fish and non-aggresive but if you have fish Neon tetra size or smaller you will find them disapearing when the pictus get to over 4 inches.
They don't activley hunt them but will catch them at night when they are sleeping on the bottom as they are opportunist feeders with big mouths. :hyper:
What I have read would indicate that they will actively hunt them. Those long barbels are for detecting potential prey and all of the family Pimelodae are heavily predatory fish. This fish is not a bottom scavenger in the wild (like a cory) but an out and out predator.
Don't panic. Having gotten the tank home and started setting it up I know I won't put in more then 3. I also won't put in any small fish. I am well aware of their predatory nature. ;)
I'm getting an Ecco Self Primer filter for a 44 gallon so will handle this slightly smaller tank well. Just need some ideas on lighting that isn't going to cost the earth. The tank needs a whole lighting unit.
andywg said:
shaemell said:
They are lovely fish and non-aggresive but if you have fish Neon tetra size or smaller you will find them disapearing when the pictus get to over 4 inches.
They don't activley hunt them but will catch them at night when they are sleeping on the bottom as they are opportunist feeders with big mouths. :hyper:
What I have read would indicate that they will actively hunt them. Those long barbels are for detecting potential prey and all of the family Pimelodae are heavily predatory fish. This fish is not a bottom scavenger in the wild (like a cory) but an out and out predator.
Definately...they are nocturnal predators and will patrol the tank in a loose formation and eat anything that they can get their mouth around.

You'll do great Dabs..3 is a good choice!


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