Pictus catfish


Jun 9, 2005
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:unsure: i have 3 columbian sharks but cannot house them, so im going to get rid of them. :crazy:

But i have discovered there brothers, pictus catfish.

Can anyone tell me about past experience,information, and anything else about pictus catfish? -_-

Thanks alot for the help, :hyper:
Well I was gonna give you a link to planetcatfish but ScoutCarcer beat me to it. I have three pictus catfish in my 120 gallon and I love them. A very active and fun fish to watch.
Make sure they have LOTS of free swim space at the bottom - obstacle free that is. They tend to swim at break neck speed a lot of the time.

Do not keep any small fish as they will be eaten. If you have any mysterious disappearances - that will be why ;)

They are said to be best to keep and groups of 3 or more - so make sure have have a tank large enough to cater for this requirement.

They are omnivorous so feed a meaty diet such as frozen / live bloodworm etc. etc.
Most has been said...CFC's bio of the im the index is prett good aswell, so i'll just throw a pic up :D


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