Pictus Catfish


New Member
Jul 29, 2012
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New Jersey
Alright so ive got a 40 gallon tank setup, its been running for about a month with just a common pleco whos grown beautifully. Yesterday I bought a few Tiger Barbs and 2 Pictus Catfish. Very small, maybe 3/4 of an inch. Theres plenty of plants and caves. They both seem to stay under one cave, one guy swings around and comes out when i walk up to the tank, the otherone kind of just stays in its little trench by the cave wall. Do you think hes dying or just acclimating? It hasnt even been a full 24 hours so i know i may be jumping the gun on whats wrong but i just would hate to see the little guy croak.
Aclimatising. I have four around 4-5 inches and sometimes they are very active, but then go through stages of sitting around during the day and brighten up at night.

As long as they are eating then dont worry. They are definatly a social species though and do better in groups of three or more.

Mine love eating bloodworm, prima, tetra veg flakes and recently squid.
yeah i was leaning towards getting a 3rd. when i shut the light one swims all over the tank and the other hovers around in the cave instead of just laying in the trench so that was a little releaving seeing it at least moving about.

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