Pictus Catfish Problem


New Member
Aug 15, 2004
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New York
I have two Pictus Catfish and they seem to be acting strange. Almost as soon as I got the newer one he constantly swam up and down the tank in the same area over and over then he swam back and forth over and over going crazy like. Now my older one is doing it and the younger one is still doing it but not as often. I was away for a few days and when I came back I noticed the younger newer one's wiskers were almost gone (like they were bittin off or something) and he can't move as fast as he could before. I'm wondering if the too are connected or if the other catfish is doing it to him? I only have one other fish in the tank (Siamese Tiger Fish) and I don't see him doing anything to them. When I got the second catfish the older bigger one was chasing him all the time or playing or whatever but he never seemed to do any damage to him but when I came back today the smaller one's wiskers were almost gone and I don't know how it happened? What is going on and how can I help him?
If he's actually that active it is possible that he is wearing them off on ornaments or the substrate. What type of substrate do you have? The other one wasn't quite as active until this one cam along right? If that's the case is he also wearing his down a bit?

i also got a pictus problem. He jumped out last night i found him bout 3 hours later... do you think hes dead???? :p
I can only be happy bout it!... :( i have 2 left
jams.alaskan said:
If he's actually that active it is possible that he is wearing them off on ornaments or the substrate. What type of substrate do you have? The other one wasn't quite as active until this one cam along right? If that's the case is he also wearing his down a bit?

I have a stadium type thing that has bubbles coming out of it and a rock type hiding spot that they don't even go near! When I see them moving up and down there just doing it against the glass and nothing else. There doing it on the right side of the glass going up and down and the glass is smooth so I don't think thats it. Before I left for a couple days he looked fine but when I got back all the sudden his wiskers were almost gone. They both are doing it in the same exact spot and never seem to move, I'm wondering if they see themselfs in the glass? It's odd that they never move from that spot at all, there is plenty of room in the tank but yet they stay in the same place all the time. I'm thinking it was the other catfish because it happened so fast but yet I have never seen him nip at his wiskers so I'm not so sure. The other catfish's wiskers are fine so thats odd. Help!!!
Barbel erosion in catfish is usually caused by poor water quality, check the nitrate level of the tank using a good quality liquid test kit a.s.a.p. To keep Pimeloid catfish the nitrates should always be below 50ppm, if kept in water with levels higher than this the berbels can erode and they may shed their slime coat frequently.

The other behaviour sounds normal for a catfish having been newly introduced to the tank.
CFC said:
Barbel erosion in catfish is usually caused by poor water quality, check the nitrate level of the tank using a good quality liquid test kit a.s.a.p. To keep Pimeloid catfish the nitrates should always be below 50ppm, if kept in water with levels higher than this the berbels can erode and they may shed their slime coat frequently.

The other behaviour sounds normal for a catfish having been newly introduced to the tank.
I clean the tank quite a bit and the other catfish and tiger fish are doing well and my water seems fine. I had a sick fish in there about a week ago and added some Quickcure and some Melafix as needed but when he started doing worse I took him out and didn't add anymore meds. I'm now wondering if thats the problem? Was it the medicine that did it? I only put the medicine in for two days then stopped and those meds shouldn't do that I wouldn't think considering Melafix is for wounded fish anyways.
Your other fish will have grown used to the water as they have been in it for a while but the new pictus could be used to water with a far lower nitrate level. You really need to get a nitrate testing kit, IMO the only two test kits you need for a well established tank are nitrate and pH, without them you are blind to any changes in the water quality.
I've had the newer catfish for about 3 weeks now and he was fine until yesterday besides him moving a lot. If it were the water it would have happened sooner right? He was fine before yesterday then all the sudden boom his wishers were almost gone. The amount of time he's been in the tank and the fact that he basically lost them over night makes me think it's another fish.
Testing the water as suggested is one way for you to rule out the most common cause for your problems - why not just do that and let us know what you find out?

I'm not saying your wrong but I hear from a lot of people that know a lot about fish say that testing your water is a waste of money. That if your water is drinkable then you don't need to worry, which mine is. I spent a lot of money for my sick fish a few days ago and those tester kits are pretty expensive from what I saw. If there is one that doesn't cost to much I'll pick one up.
fulgore, CFC probly knows alot more about fish then your mates....
you asked for help, he is helping you.
Go test your water then you can tell us its fine
LOL I'm not saying they know more I just said they know a lot. I'm not trying to start anything here so don't try to :no:
i dont wanna start anything either. You asked for some adivce, the wisest person on here gave it to you. So if you are really concerned do what he said and test your water.
Welcome to fish forums :D
Yes I will get a kit like I said above. After I get it I can post the results and see what you guys think.

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