Pictus Catfish N Paradise Fish.


New Member
Oct 9, 2009
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Hey there,

i have a pictus catfish and a paradise fish, i am looking at reducing tanks, i was wondering if i can put these to together - the pictus is only a little bigger then the paradise fish.

any help would be great. thank you.
What size tank would it be that they are both going to? Also pictus cats prefer to be in groups of 3-4 :)
just want to know if i can put these 2 together - thank you.
It entirely depends on the size of the tank - pictus catfish are really really active and since they and the paradise fish have the potential to get to 4-5 inches each they both need a reasonable sized tank.

So my advice would be if its a 4ft tank or an extra wide 3ft tank yes it could work, only problem being that the pictus could get a little too boisterous for the paradise fish but since they inhabit different regions it might not be a problem, as far as aggression from the paradise fish goes, no worries pictus are often kept with far more aggressive fish.

However if the tank is smaller than either of the above I dont think it will work, mainly because each of those fish deserve at least 35/40 gallon tanks.

Wills :)

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