Pictus Cat In A 55


New Member
Jan 26, 2010
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can i add 4-5 pictus cats in my 55 gallon with SA/CA cichlids in it.(firemouth, convict,blue acara and tiger barbs.) would this work?
3 or 4 should be okay trios and quads work pretty well together :)
Would two work okay? I'm agonizing about an algae clean up crew type fish for my 60 gal. Could I do 2 pictus, 6 cories and then have a trio of dwarf cichlids ... would this work given the tank bottom dimensions are 48 inches by 12 inches? Would this be a good mix or would you suggest something else?
Thanks karin
Pictus are notorious small fish eaters so id watch anything really small in the tank.
3 in a 55 gal would be fine as long as you have good tank mates.

Karin I don't think pictus cats would be a good pick for your tank. These guys are Not safe with small fish. And at feeding time your Cory cats would not get any food.

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