Pictures Of Takuta!

Very lovely CT, I like his colors. Great find! :)

I third the suggestion about the gravel. A neighbor has that exact same tank sitting on the window sill with nothing in it. One day, I'm going to go to the apartment and ask for the tank! :hey:
Genesis, it's spelt "Tequila." I think.

Thank you so much. =)

And about the gravel- My plant doesnt stay up unless I have that much. :X

He's so pretty. I'm very proud of him. :hyper:

i am sure that he is very happy that you put the effort in. especially since he was in a little cup (assuming that they were stacked like most lfs that i have seen).

Actually, compared to Petsmart, which was up the street, they had much better cups.
They were about twice the size, and quite clean, with a little hole in the top for food&air.
The only thing was they didnt have many.

I was quite surprised about the quality at Petsmart.
Usually, they have a few dead ones, but MANY bettas that are gorgeous, and usually some females.. which is why I went there. I was quite dismayed to see only 4 females, all of which looked quite ragged. Their cups were also very small and dirty. :no:
Ahaaa thank you very muchhh. :)

I was really worried yesterday because I overfed him the day before.. :blink:
(Took a nap in the afternoon and thought it was the next morning when I woke up)

But he's fine now. ;)

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