Genesis, it's spelt "Tequila." I think.
Thank you so much. =)
And about the gravel- My plant doesnt stay up unless I have that much.
He's so pretty. I'm very proud of him.
i am sure that he is very happy that you put the effort in. especially since he was in a little cup (assuming that they were stacked like most lfs that i have seen).
Actually, compared to Petsmart, which was up the street, they had much better cups.
They were about twice the size, and quite clean, with a little hole in the top for food&air.
The only thing was they didnt have many.
I was quite surprised about the quality at Petsmart.
Usually, they have a few dead ones, but MANY bettas that are gorgeous, and usually some females.. which is why I went there. I was quite dismayed to see only 4 females, all of which looked quite ragged. Their cups were also very small and dirty.