Pictures Of Takuta!

He is!!!

I'm so happy.

He was supposed to be 7 dollars.

But the dumb petco lady didnt know he was a CT so I got him for the regular betta price there... $3.50
My LFS would probably house 2 males together then wonder why they are trying to kill each other.
My LFS would probably house 2 males together then wonder why they are trying to kill each other.

Aww. That's disappointing.

Thank you thank you!
I love him so muchhhh.
I was going to go for this aqua&white one with a rather stocky build, but he wasnt moving and I couldnt tell if he was just lazy, or if he was all bloated and stuff.

I think Takuta was a good choice. ^_^

Thanks for the setup comment.
I'm proud to say I put the whole thing together myself, including the filter.
he's got some beutiful finage on him, most lfs CT's have shorter ragged looking finage, but yours has some nice long 2 rayed spikes, very cool.

Edit: and just a quick suggestion, you would have alot easier time cleaning his tank if he had less gravle on the bottom, only needs at most an inch. good luck :)
i am sure that he is very happy that you put the effort in. especially since he was in a little cup (assuming that they were stacked like most lfs that i have seen).

i got my CT for $4.50 US so it wasn't bad for me either. but my place got them special ordered for me and got them in bulk so they could sell them cheaper.

i find it kind of sad though :-( ... why is it that people have to "rescue" such amazing little fish? i mean they aren't the hardest things to take care of... so why is it that they live in such horrible conditions before finding a (hopefully) good home.

and Pieman i'm sorry that your lfs is stupid :lol: but sometimes you win sometimes you lose. and well your poor lfs haha

Very nice CT :nod:

For some reason, whenever I go to the PetCo near me, they never have bettas.
He is just great! Really handsome. He looks still young too.

I was going to make the same suggestion about the substrate.
very nice boy! congratulations!

He's gorgeous! My bettas have little name tags too! Takuta is an awesome name. :thumbs:
nice feeshie!! :drool:

youve just given me a great name for my next betta.....Takila!!! :lol:

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